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I am brand new to this site. I am 48 years old and have been smoking since I was twelve. I have 2 relatively young daughters (9 and 12) that I would like to be around a long time for. My own mother died 6 years ago from emphazema and lung cancer. I remember feeling so sad that cigarettes were the cause and knew even then that I needed to quit or I will follow the same path. I have been trying to quit since 2001. I have tried hypnosis, laser, the patch (which probably is the easiest way but burns my skin), Chantix (makes me sick), Zyban, inhalers and gum. I used to be a 2 1/2 pack a day smoker but am down to between 12-18 cigs (mainly due to whatever stop smoking aid I am on). I have read "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking", by Allen Carr many times. My husband smokes a little over a pack and really has no desire to quit. I smoked my last cigarette in my pack a few minutes ago so right now I don't have a pack of cigarettes on me but I know he has a carton in his car. We only smoke in the garage and outside. I hate that I smoke. I hate that I tell my kids to wait a minute so I can go and have a smoke. I hate that they hate it and are embarassed by it. I hate the way my coat smells. I hate the cost of smoking both monetarily and what I know it is doing to my health. And yet, I continue to smoke. I lay down every night and pray that I will stop smoking but it is the very first thing I do in the morning. Ugh!!!!! I know millions of people have been successful in quiting and I want to be one of them. I did quit once for 2-3 months back in 2001. I was so sure I would never smoke again and then I did and now I do. Whatever advice anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated. Just typing this has helped. Thanks!
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13 Replies

Hi Sue..I'm on day 5 of being an EX. I, too, was a heavy smoker for more then 50 years! I think we all wish there was an easy way to quit. For me, I've decided to face the fact that it's not easy. But I have pushed my luck as far as it can issues tell me that I really need to! If you keep it up you will someday be asking yourself "what the heck was I thinking!" Maybe FEAR is what we need to quit when we're too bullheaded to do it!
You really CAN do it....Rant if you want!!! It helps.......just quit!
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Hi Laurie,

Thanks for your great suggestions. I really found some useful tips from your experiences. I am not familiar with the movie 'The Insider' but totally can relate to the anger at those companies. I cannot really fathom why cigarettes are even legal!! What other product is there that can only harm you if you use as directed? It makes no sense to me.

Anyway, you mentioned that you picked 2008 as your quit YEAR. Just curious what it was that finally made you pick your quit DAY? I know I want to quit, feel that I am ready to do so but just haven't had the guts or whatever to do it.

Thanks again for your response. All the responses have been great!
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Hi Pat,

I am already at the "what the heck am I thinking" phase. I am so ticked off that I even started to smoke and now continue to smoke. You should be so proud of yourself to be at day 5, I wish I was there and really could be if only I just choose to stop RIGHT NOW!!!!.

Good luck to you. You have made such a great decision!!!!

Thanks for your response.
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You have to want to quit in order to quit its hard i know but take that very first step you wont regret it Im only 19 days in but I am so glad and grateful I made the decision to stop and you have such wonderful people here to support you Lots of Hugs and more Hugs

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