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Give and get support around quitting



Today marks my one month quit!!! I can't start to explain the craving I experience.  I need help!!



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38 Respuestas

You could have said to yourself

"That doesn't belong to me. I don't do that anymore"

and stopped it in its tracks


Yes jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan-2007  you are so right.  Since that one cigarette I can't think about anything else. !!!  If I could just stop eating as well.  I am getting fatter by the minute.

I am so fed up with life!! smoke - you cough and stink. Eat and you look like a bus and chew permanently.

I can't win!!   So far I am still strong.


.well I know after I quit smoking I could eventually taste food,  if you drink a big cup  of water before you eat,ur belly will feel more full andfruit and vegetables help a lot too.  I am a nervous eater, but if I meditate everyday it helps your mood and stress level, im not saying this will be easy but you are worth it, I have notes all over my apartment, that says I am enough,  and I have little reminders on my phone to msg me I am enoughevery hour, I, quit for my cat chaos it was the easiest decision ive ever made, and if you slip, just keep trying and don't dwell on being a failure we are all human and we make  mistakes. good luck dear I know you can do this.

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      Ok so these details are starting to make the picture clearer, Anite. I ate too much for a while and the weight gain bugged me. But you got some powerful support from Dale and others about facing not smoking no matter what. Keep talking out your struggles here because that is one way to start handling them. 

      PS Most of the weight came off by a year and a half later. 

  • Anite,

What you are doing is replacing the dopamine you got from smoking with the dopamine you get from eating..

Our metabolisms are faster when we are smoking. If you want to maintain your weight you need to eat about 150-200 calories less a day.

So what are you eating? You can still have some things that satisfy.

Make better choices.

They have individual gelatins that are 25-50 calories. If you want a little extra, put a little whipped cream on top.  

Single popscicles in summer



I’m glad you are back not smoking. After a relapse, cravings get stronger. No craving lasts forever. All cravings are temporary. The key to success is how we deal with cravings. There is a free book available at that has a wealth of information about cravings and how to deal with them: Freedom From Nicotine: The Journey Home. There is a lot of other good information on Perhaps reading material from today will help you with the cravings.

i suspect living with a smoker is a trigger for you. That is not an excuse to smoke. I am surrounded by smokers everyday pretty much all day. I accepted this fact before I quit. The real battle is inside my brain. What do I do when I feel triggered? How do I react? Which coping skill do I use to ride out the craving until it passes.

ON HUNGER: I think increased hunger is normal. I’ve experienced it. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant.


How are you doing now Anite? I'm so glad that you blogged and I hope you're doing much better now a humongous Congratulations on your precious quit journey YAY for each and every Day WON, YAY for one month of Smokefree living and counting.....


I offer you my experience. I have relapsed several times after having a month or more smoke free. I regretted each relapse, even before I bought the cigarettes or put one in my mouth and lit it.

I wish I did what you are doing right now—reaching out for help BEFORE I smoked.

Remember, you have all the tools you need to make it through today without smoking. Keep your commitment not to smoke, just for today. Look forward to waking up tomorrow with another day smoke free.


It's the end of the day Anite and I hope you found your balance.


eat some applesauce with cinnamon-it helps clean blood-good job drinking water-CONGRATS ON NON SMOKER LIVING!