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Give and get support around quitting



Good Morning Ex Team/Group Members!!!!

I have not been able to get past these last 2-3 cigs a day.

Doing taxes (owe thousands) has been an excuse to throw me backwards.

I have been having urges for more cigs and have failed a few times and smoked more that my allotted 3 cigs per day.

I am confessing my failure in hopes that it will bring me back to the enthusiasm of my goal of quitting  😞



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24 Replies


That is an awesome link. I love the quote.

I am going to print and hang on the wall....

On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 7:29 PM, Sootie <>

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I'm a newbie at 24 days.  I've tried to quitting numerous times and did actually cut down this time one week prior to my quit date.  I put myself on a schedule for a week.  Each day I extended the amount of time between each cigarette - 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours etc. until my quit date.  Also, I  started a smoking cessation class, nicotrol inhalers. and the Ex one week before my quit.  Having a plan seemed to have helped me this time (so far).  In general, I function better with structure and schedules.  That's not for everyone.   By the time I quit, I had eliminated  the cigarettes I smoked when I was stressed, angry, happy, etc. It wasn't time for a cigarette yet!  More importantly, since I was very aware of each cigarette I smoked, it made me me aware of the one's I just smoked out of habit.  You probably would advise against this, but I truly focused on each cigarette I smoked and enjoyed it.  So often when I smoked, my mind wandered off to what I was stressed about, what I needed to do today, what I was unhappy about, etc.  Finished a cigarette before I realized it, so I had another.

The Ex has helped me tremendously.  The texts I received the  week prior to my quit became another part of the process and the support I needed.

Good luck on your quit!


Thank you Barbcloud

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:48 AM, Barbscloud <>

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Hey Pam,

I am having crazy cravings today but we can and will overcome this!!!!  This communities support is Awesome!!!!  Feels like family!!!!

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I did cut down in December before I quit in January 2016.  When my last pack was gone, I had patches, slapped in on and been quit ever since.  I couldn't have any cigarettes in the house.  The allotment system never worked for me.  I was always thinking, oh, just one more isn't going to hurt.  These will be my last one.  that merry-go-round for me lasted for 2 years.  I finally got fed up and actually found smoking to be more of a nuisance than enjoyment and knew it was finally time.  I found that using the tracking tool on here helped me a great deal Beat Your Tobacco Triggers | Guides & Tools | BecomeAnEX  and filled that out for a week and printed it and slapped it on my refrigerator.  that stayed up for a month and the rest is history..........

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