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I Found Cooking Was A Great Distraction.

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I made this today and it turned out really well.

Do you have a recipe to share?

21 Replies

Definitely going to try this one - I love to grill and it getting to be grilling season here!


I can easily adapt this recipe for me. I will have to give it a try!

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I have gotten much more aware of the food that I eat since quitting smoking . I eat organic non-GMO foods as much as I possibly can ( Please do yourself a big favor and  read about GMO's  if you do not know what they are  ) I am now a vegetarian so I have been cooking many new things and I also find it a very rewarding distraction . I am controlling my BP and cholesterol by eating properly and have been losing weight too . Like Trudy said not everyone is ready for my kind of recipe's ! 

Pinterest and YouTube are great places for many recipes !

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I work in a vegetarian restaurant that has vegan and gluten free options for most selections...I don't have any of the recipes but I have been really impressed with everything I have tried.  My daughter in law is the chef...she does a special called "Counterfeit Crabcakes" that people flock to the cafe to get.  I don't like crabcakes so I haven't tried them but there is no crab in them, they are made with squash and hearts of palm and she makes a seasoning that is used in seafood restaurants.  Seriously, we run out most of the time.  She is incredibly generous about sharing the recipe so if anyone wants it, let me know and I will get it.  My personal favorite dish that they serve is Sesame Soba Noodles.  I LOVE them and I get them once a week, they are wonderful.  I don't know how to make them either.  

I prefer baking to cooking...I am usually so tired by the time supper should be served that I feel like I am going to pass out.


elvan I would like to try the " Counterfeit Crabcakes". I sure I will be able to adapt them for me. I am not vegetarian or vegan but I eat very little meat. I don't like crab but for some reason I do like crabcakes.


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I'll ask her for the might have to cut it down significantly because she is cooking for a cafe.  She loves cooking, she said that not many people get to do what they love for a living.

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elvan‌-Hi Ellen-both recipes sound amazing!  I would love to have them when you get a chance. 

I found cooking to be a great distraction too, especially very early on in my quit.  I'm very fortunate to be around my mother at this time in Florida and she's an amazing chef.    I will dig out some recipes to share with the group too.


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I will see what I can do!

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Can we have a recipe sharing sub-group?

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Sorry, we actually have a group called‌, and there are plenty of recipes.

Still need to figure out what all the categories are and how to post in one, so it is easy for us to retrieve.