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Hurricane Gustav

Ok ya'll, I'm back home now. Went to Montgomery, Alabama. No real damage done to the house, just missing shingles from the garage. School started back up, and I got a tooth pulled yesterday, so I'm in a little pain right now. Other than that, I'm doing ok, and now just choosing a new quit date.
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13 Replies

I'm glad everything is okay! I live in Minnesota but kept watching the weather channel to see what that nasty system was doing. I can't believe all the hurricanes going through right now! Crazy!!!
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Welcome back. Put ice on that jaw.

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JAAAAAAAAASON!!!! Welcome back!!! I'm glad that you're safe! I really missed reading about how you were doing. Dude, pick a new date asap! Don't let your addiction con you into not quitting. Just jump in and you'll get lots of support. You know you're worth it!
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I am having a tooth pulled on fri. yucko! I feel your pain! I am glad you made it through the storm safely that is a blessing for sure.Keep us updated on your quit!
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Sry to hear that Cindy. The authorites dont know what they are doing. What part of LA do u live? You will always be in my prayers.
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Glad to hear you are OK. When I had to have 2 teeth removed the oral surgeon noticed my tongue and took a biopsy and I have pecancer of the tongue. What a motivator to quit. Best of luck to you, I know you can quit. And be careful in that dangerous weather!!
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welcome back home and I'm glad u didn't get to much damage. I'm from Florida (in Texas now) so I've had my share of Hurricanes. Reading the replies to your blog it seems it's tooth pulling month. I just had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. The good thing on that is of course that u can't smoke after the extraction.
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Hi, we rode out Gustov. I live in southwest Louisiana. I had a brother in law who survived hurricane, he came over and drank coffee, went home, then a tornado wiped everything out. He died in his trailor, along with a young woman who was soon going to be his daughter in law. They tried to get out but was turned back because of curfew. If authorities would have let them leave, they would probably still be with us. He was just buried yesterday.
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Hi Jason,
I don't know you but glad you made it back safe and sound. And am very thankful your house didn't get much damage. I hate the dentist so I feel for you. Never had a tooth pulled but have had many root canals. Dentist is the one job I would not want - I mean everyone pretty much hates you!! LOL!! Best of luck with it - Just noted when you posted so you may have already had it done as I write this so I hope you are doing well!!! Many blessings!!! Cindy
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