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How we learned to smoke in public and how that all changed.

      I lived in California most of my 40 years of smoking.

California, four steps ahead of the rest of the country

with restrictions and rules.

      I was shocked when I heard you could get fined for smoking

within 100 feet of a bus stop. This was back in 2007.

      Were you ever been told not to smoke in public?

I honestly can't remember.  


I think when I needed to smoke, I typically scanned the area for another smoker, (permission by another addict?) and then, joined them. How about you? We had a club, didn't we? The "well if they're doing it" permission club.

Most of us were considerateWe learned society's rules for smoking and then,

everything changed!

It doesn't bother me. I don't do that anymore. 

By law, there no smoking allowed at the beach so vapers come just across the road from the sand and stand in front of the disabled parking area to treat anyone who can't get out of their car with their "cloud of safety."

I guess they feel everyone should  enjoy their addiction? 

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I remember looking for other smokers too...I was never asked not to smoke in public but I usually sought out a secluded spot away from others...well, I did the last several years of smoking.  Early on, I smoked EVERYWHERE and any time.  My doctor smoked, the doctors I worked with smoked as they made rounds, I really think changing the laws HELPED immensely.  The social judgment as well as the number of nonsmoking places pushed me, sorry it didn't push me harder or earlier.



Thanks for sharing Dale! I remember using drug NICOTINE EVERYWHERE!!!! Then it happened - NO smoking - here and there and everywhere and in the hospital - I remember when i was in the hospital and i had double pneumonia and was on oxygen - I use the phone and called  MY girlfriend and asked her to bring cigs- we used in the bathroom!  No smoking MEANS nothing to an addict that need that FIX! 

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You can't even VAPE on the beach in CA?  Amazing.  

I remember smoking everywhere:  in movie houses, restaurants, any buildings (just not in the elevators).... I'm so glad I don't need to do that any more

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Vaping is prohibited wherever smoking is now. 

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