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Give and get support around quitting


How to start.. again

I’m getting tired of starting over again .. and again ..this has really thrown me into a depression.. I even think it’s useless to come here cuz I still fail .. I know it’s psychological because I can quit cold turkey and do so good.. then I go right back .. not sure how to conquer this for good... 

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7 Respuestas

NOPE  No matter what is going on in your life by any means necessary is one way of conquering. Another is self-talk, " I don't do it anymore".  Replacing the behavior with healthy choices.  Take smoking out of the equation of things to do and just do something else the cravings do not last forever.  Be prepared with a plan and work the plan. Staying committed, coming here during the crisis before you fail instead of after. Hang tough, stay close, never give up, never give in.  Be mindful of what is going on around you.  Quitting is the easy part, learning to protect it is where the work is the hardest.  Believe that you can and you will.  Sounds easy, it is not but it is doable. 


Hi hatton... I'm so sorry you're having this difficulty.  But I will say it is a difficulty I also had.

.. not sure how to conquer this for good... 

The answer is... the same way you eat an elephant.  One bite/step/day/hour/minute/craving at a time. 

Sometimes if you look at forever, it seems overwhelming, like too large a leap, so change your focus.  You will NOT always feel as crappy as the first few weeks, you WILL feel terrific once the hardest of the hard work is done.  But you have to maintain your focus, and your vigilance, for long after the hard part is done.  Each crave/urge overcome is that much stronger your quit.

To smoke, you have to make several, up to maybe 10,  conscious decisions and follow-thru actions.  

1. Decide to smoke.

2. get in car/walk to store

3.  Buy cigarettes or bum (this is assuming you have done due diligence and rid your living/work spaces of smoking materials)

4.  Open pack

5.  Take cigarette out.  

6.  Find or obtain incendiary device.

7.  put cigarette in mouth.

8.  Ignite incendiary device

9.  Put incendiary device to cigarette end.

10.  Draw in smoke.

BAM... quit gone up in smoke.

But you see, in this scenario you have 10 chances to save your quit and make the appropriate decision to do so.  I know, it goes as quick as a flash, but if you purposefully break it down in your mind as you are doing it, you might just stop at step 5, 6 or 7 instead of going thru with it.

Best wishes going forward!!


If you can, go back over your thought process when you smoked during previous attempts.  I am guessing they are generally similar, "I am too stressed.  I'll start again tomorrow," or "just one won't hurt (maybe while imbibing),"  or "who cares, I may as well smoke," or......

Then think about what you will do differently in ALL the scenarios.  Top on the list should be to come here and ask for help.  Second on the list is to change your mind's direction.......

Please don't wait until a doctor tells you it's too late, please!



     In my opinion, no one can commit to never smoke again for the rest of their life because no one knows the future--not such a bad thing. You quit just for today, but intend never to smoke again. Cold turkey is a start, after that it's called smobriety. Psychology is part of the addiction--the brain doesn't forget nicotine in a week, a month, months, even years. Smobriety is about facing the responsibillity of quitting. 


For me, believing that I could do it - turned things around. When I first came here I had thinking like - "I'll give it a try".. ...."I will give it a shot"... I no idea I could actually do it. The more I hung out here and saw others who had done it - the more I came to believe I could too! The thing is I know you can do Because I was a true addict for 40 years and I was able to do it. Don't give up on yourself...don't leave the site - stay - make a plan. Please!


I am so sorry that you are struggling so hard...quitting is easy...many of us did it COUNTLESS is STAYING quit that is the challenge.  Once I accepted that cigarettes did not do anything FOR me, only TO took away SOME of their power.  Coming here every day and reading and asking for advice and listening to, support, and commitment were the keys for me.  I smoked for a very, very long time and I had a LOT of work to do to stay quit.  I had to really put effort into it and I had to believe in myself.  Without this site and the amazing support I got here. I am sure that I would not have made it to over 4 1/2 is WORTH coming here and reading and looking for YOUR support, YOUR "magic"...mine was NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  It was SO SIMPLE and so easy to remember.  I passed it on to my daughter, she quit when I did but went back to smoking shortly afterwards.  I am really happy to say that on the 29th, she celebrated THREE YEARS OF FREEDOM and my son celebrated a MONTH of freedom.  She used NOPE,she said it made so much sense to her.  My son used Wellbutrin and said that cigarettes tastes worse and worse and he just did not want to keep smoking.  I am very, very, happy and proud of both of them.  

You CAN do this...ANYONE can do this, it is not easy but it IS possible and it is so worth it to discover who you really are.


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Thank you everyone.. I really appreciate your comments.. can’t beki my struggle with this..