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How to quit when you kind of don't want to?

Need to quit. But kind of don't want to. What can I do

34 Replies

@Pawr  That message was meant for you!

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My opinion is you can quit only when you want to quit.   I think the best thing you can do is educate yourself on quitting and the effects of smoking.  Knowledge is Power.  Then I think you need to evaluate this addiction and do you want to continue it until someone tells you ...”you are sick and have to quit smoking” work on it and make the choose your’s, not someone else’s.  Keep it here and at least try quitting, eventually one will stick.  Gotcha in my thoughts. Colleen aka sweetp


If you kind of don't want you....... you won't.  But you will torture yourself for a couple of more years, until you get the fatal diagnosis,,,,,,,   the big C in throat, mouth, lungs bladder, heart attack etc.  Then look back to this day and say I kind of don't want to.,    do you kind of want to die from cancer??? your choice. Your choice.  You choose cancer, you choose to give the people who love you a load of grief when they are sitting by your hospital bed and weeping at your early demise.  At that time, remember your choice. Mouseology by Bretislav Pojar - NFB 

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Not sure what your answer would have been to my hypothetical question of....if you could go to sleep and wake up a non smoker.....would you want to........................but I do really need to say this...........

In my FIRST quit that lasted 13 years (yes---sadly, 13 and then I started smoking again) the REASON I think I was not successful is that I had the mindset you are now presenting. I kept thinking I was missing something, that I was a martyr, that everyone "could" smoke except for me and why weren't they worried.....and  on and and on and on. I never quit the LIE that smoking was fun....I just quit smoking. At some point, please try to change your thinking about this disgusting addiction. It is not fun, it is not socially acceptable and it makes you smell. It ruins your teeth, your breathing, your heart. It uses up an extraordinary amount of money on absolutely nothing.

I hope that you quit smoking....but I also hope you are able to quit the idea that smoking is something you want to do one last time before dying. You want to make love one last time, you want to hug your grandchildren or children one last time...or your family. You want to spend time with a dear friend and exchange ideas one last time. You want to see one last sunrise or sunset, hear a piece of music you love or re-read a beloved book.

But trust me-------the last thing you need to do again before you die........................ of this THANKFULLY SO FAR FICTITIOUS have a cigarette.

Stay Strong.


You CAN do this, you do not have to WANT to do this but you DO have to be WILLING to go through some things that might be challenging.  You have to accept that smoking never did and never WILL do anything FOR will do LOTS to you and you might not even know it is happening.  I am so sorry that I smoked for so long, I am so sorry that I allowed Big Tobacco to steal my breath from me. Whatever time I have left on this will be SMOKE FREE, taking the best care of myself that I can, AND being grateful for every breath I still CAN take. As for that expanding waistline Pawr‌, your quit HAS to be your number one priority at this point...gaining a little weight is not going to kill step at a time.
