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Give and get support around quitting


How to quit when you kind of don't want to?

Need to quit. But kind of don't want to. What can I do

34 Respuestas

Sandy,  you are so right!  your life does matter more than smoking.  Congrats a year and a hundred days???  that is great.

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Keep in mind that you CAN do's a journey, not a battle.  You will learn a lot on this journey, about yourself AND others.  We are all here to offer you any help that we can, YoungAtHeart‌ has offered you wonderful advice.  Stay close to the and take advice that is offered.  Set a date and read everything you can about this addiction before that date, get the support that is coming from this site, and COMMIT to your quit.  You can do this, you certainly do not want to smoke yourself into an early grave, right?



You know,  I'm curious.  You asked what I consider a rather casual question here and you got a whole bunch amazing responses from those new on the quitting journey to those who have years of experience at it.  Did you read any of them?  Are you even still here?  Member Since 12/11  Last logging in 12/11.

Please let us know if you're still interested. 


Yup , still here. I will have the first month tomorrow and still am going day to day. Sometimes I still have strong cravings and these comments and ideas are very helpful.  I am still challenged every day and have trouble accepting the concept of never having another cigarette.  Maybe I can smoke again after I am diagnosed with a terminal illness. 


Funny you mentioned the return to smoking after being diagnosed with a terminal illness.  I used to think as you did - but on thinking about it further, I realized it would not be what I remembered because I understand that all I thought it did for me was a lie - cigarettes are a device designed by Big Tobacco to keep me an addict.....and to keep their pockets lined.   I have decided I would not give them the satisfaction of ever giving them one more penny of my money  Did you know they put COUGH SUPPRESSANTS in them to negate  our bodies natural reaction to their poison??!!  That really ticked me off!

Congrats on almost a month!  It actually should continue to get easier and easier now.  Be aware that you might still get a hummer of a crave, out of nowhere - your addiction's final push to get you back.  Use the tools you found helpful in the early days, and you will emerge victorious.  Those will end as quickly as they came - then it's just maintenance.



Excellent comments. Thank you

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Why, why, why even say something something so silly. One cigarette and you are an addict again, and laying in a hospital bed going through with drawal again.  Don' t be so silly.   congrats on your month quit.  You are through the hardest of it now. yes, you are.

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Yes it's a very silly thought. But there are a bunch that have come to me in the last month. As I  attempt to fasten my pants over my expanding waistline,  I know I can get through this if only for the next crave. 

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Slow/deep breaths will get you through ANY crave.  You have to be disciplined about it, though.  No crave ever killed anybody, and it will end whether you smoke or not.  Do not expect to let a crave beat all the hard work you have done.

Your mind is your most potent weapon in this fight against addiction.  Perhaps you could look at the crave as a wave to surf?  Or the path to a mountaintop?  Each crave you get through lessens the number you will have and their strength.  Word!


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Congrats on a whole month (tomorrow).  Be proud, that's an amazing accomplishment.  Stayed focused on that one day at a time mentality.  

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