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How to fight boredom

One big trigger of mine is when I’m bored that I want to smoke. I’m down awaiting an mri and can’t do much. What is a good way to fight the boredom. I’m started chantix 3 days ago and it’s got me down to 3 cigarettes today

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12 Respuestas

Hi BigCountry78 Do you have any interests or hobbies? Maybe pick up one if you don't. In the beginning of my quit I found lots of housework that I avoided as a smoker as I was to busy outside smoking. Is a good questions as when we stop smoking we suddenly find ourselfs having  lots of time on our hands. So find ways to keep you busy. Do word search,sudokus, crossword puzzles, play computer games, read a book read lots and lots of information about this addiction and lot's of good info here in blogs to keep you busy, go for a walk, as when bored and thinking of smoking count red objects in one room, then blue, green objects takes the focus off thinking of smoking,which there is and article on crave buster techniques in articles written and saved in the best of ex. Put your favorite songs on sing and dance gives you dopamine, exercise and definitely helps boredom.  Others will come along and give you more ideas. I found myself doing some volunteer work with special needs adults and was a blessing to my heart. I started regular 5 times a weeks water aerobics anything that takes up time and in nonsmoking place so your not tempted. Remember we are here to help anyway just let us know how we can help. If you find yourself in tough moments come here blog help (BEFORE CHOOSING TO SMOKE)  you will be amazed how many will come running. Know you CAN do this it takes work but it is so worth it I promise. Congratulations on 4 days of freedom Woohoo. It is the best decision you have made for yourself.  Keep moving forward.


Lots of things to do besides smoke.  Find something that you enjoy that isn't a trigger to smoke.  Mine was reading novels.  I could read for hours without one thought of smoking.  Here is a link to a blog by Aztec with more ideas. Best wishes to you!


I don't have a better answer than what these two fine ladies already gave you, just wanted to say Hello and Welcome!



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Seriously?  Chantix for 3 days and down to 3 a day!  I'm so glad for you!!! I took Chantix for 3 weeks and smoked a pack+ a day, 4th week cut to 3 then quit.  You're DOING GREAT!!!  Boredom is one of the big triggers for all of us.  The only way to combat it is to plan ahead and figure out what you can do instead of smoke.  Pack a 'Life Saver' bag or box and put in gum, mints, books, music, anything you can think of to keep yourself occupied.  The nice thing about boredom is that there are so many good things we can do because there's nothing we HAVE to do at that moment.  Think of things you enjoy and write a list so in that moment of weakness you can look it over and find something to do instead of revert to the smoke-monster.  You Are Doing GREAT!


Smoking doesn't kill boredom. It strokes the addiction. It's ok to be bored--not everything we feel has to be fixed.


 Bust out a move with some music

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Make a list of 100 reasons WHY you want to quit smoking!  Once complete, refer to it often.  Also...update it every so often and add to it!