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How to deal with crisis that has come up with only 10 days into quitting

I am on day 10 of no smoking and today I feel like I could start crying any minute. I feel like the smallest thing may send me over the edge.  I am overwhelmed also right now due to a crisis that has happened with my oldest daughter. It seems to compound my missing smoking. I realize smoking is how I coped with stress, but I do not want to be that person anymore. Today I am so sad though- please tell me this will get easier. How have others coped when a trauma arises early on your quit??? In need of support today. Thanks!!! Cat52

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18 Replies

cat52‌ Believe me and everyone else here that putting a piece of paper with shredded pulp in it in your mouth (those aren't tobacco leaves you're smoking, it's a paper pulp product), lighting it, and sucking down it's nasty burning smoke, 4000 chemicals (literally),  and a dose of healthy road tar will NEVER solve any problem.  I know it feels like it will at least take the edge off but that's a lie from the nicodemon.  The situation with your daughter will in no way change while you're out smoking for 10 minutes at a time. I know it seems impossible to cope right now but it DOES get easier.  Do absolutely anything but go for that smoke.  Bet you weren't sure in the beginning of your quit that you'd last 10 minutes let alone 10 days.  But you HAVE made it 10 days without smoking, and you don't really want to go back to having to put out that 'last' smoke and start the withdrawals again.  You might even just give up completely thinking that you "failed so why bother."  It's actually EASIER to stay smoke free than to start the process all over.  I promise this does get easier.  A little background on my situation, I have bipolar disorder.  At times, more often than I'd like to admit, just being awake is a crisis situation. Guess what I learned, smoking or not smoking didn't change anything about the crisis situations.  They still come, I'm just learning to handle them differently.  Be good to yourself, cry, scream, yell obscenities out loud or into a pillow, swing chickens, whatever it takes to get through that craving.  It gets better and fewer and farther between but they can creep up on you.  Pack a Life Preserver bag or box that contains lots of little distractions, gum, hard candy, a journal and pen, a favorite cd, games, books, whatever you like and put it in a prominent place at the ready for the next crave to come around.  You can get through this WITHOUT going back to smoking.  Stay close to Ex, we've always got your back.


93 DOF 


Thanks for all the support and strategies to stay on track! I feel stronger and more positive just knowing you all took the time to show you care and share your experiences. I am so glad I have Ex- you are great people!

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Also check out the blog "Managing Stress By Having Gratitude And Acceptance" by Dr. Hays.  It can be found under the 'Expert Advice' 

tab at the top of the page.  Keep up the good work!


cat52‌  I'm a bit late jumping in here....but, for future reference, please go to and read the articles there. There is a topic there for EVERYTHING and they will illustrate to you in a very common sense way why smoking only causes more really does not "help" with stress. Sounds like you made it through a crisis point....GREAT JOB!

Stay Strong


I’m sorry that you are going through this crisis. If u need to cry that’s ok. Please don’t smoke not even one. I lost both my parents 10 years ago. At the funeral someone gave me a poison stick to calm me down. I had quit for 2 1/2 years. It only took the one . You know what, it didn’t calm me and it didn’t change anything , except I was hooked again. It took 10 years to try again. So here I am

I’ve quit for 13 days now. I get stressed , we all have problems , but those cancer sticks never make anything better. I’m here for you,  we can get through this together . Say the Serenity Prayer it helps a lot.  Let me know how you are doing.



Thanks Barb! I am so glad I did not give in and have a cigarette. I am feeling really good about it today. Sometimes I start to convince myself that I could have just one, but from reading your post and others on this board, I realize that will put me right back where I was. I appreciate the encouragement. It seems we are about at the same amount of time on our journey- I would like very much to be support for each other!!!  Cat52


WOO-HOO you made it through!!!!!  GREAT JOB!




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I just added u to my following. We are going through the same stages you caln also email me away from this site any time.

we will share the journey and support each other 
