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Give and get support around quitting


How to deal with crisis that has come up with only 10 days into quitting

I am on day 10 of no smoking and today I feel like I could start crying any minute. I feel like the smallest thing may send me over the edge.  I am overwhelmed also right now due to a crisis that has happened with my oldest daughter. It seems to compound my missing smoking. I realize smoking is how I coped with stress, but I do not want to be that person anymore. Today I am so sad though- please tell me this will get easier. How have others coped when a trauma arises early on your quit??? In need of support today. Thanks!!! Cat52

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It's OK to cry.  Makes me feel better sometimes to have a good cry. 

Smoking will NOT do anything to help with the crisis going on with your daughter.  Remember that.  The only thing that it will do is put you back to day one.  You should be very proud of those 10 days - don't give them up!

Take a walk, get a little exercise, play a game, do a puzzle, take a bubble bath, read a book - do whatever is necessary to get yourself through this rough spot - except smoke.  It's not worth it.


Love you suggestions.  For urges and withdrawals i had. To screenshot

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Hi I'm Valerie30, who is coming up on 5 years!  It gets easier with time.  Smoking will not help with any crisis.  I can't imagine how you feel, but I can tell you this, the urge and the crisis will pass.  Give it time, keep yourself busy.  Go for a walk, yoga, gym, puzzle and yes, keep those hands busy doing something.  Drink plenty of water and convince yourself you are not going to smoke.  It's not worth losing the time invested in quitting, no matter how many days you have under your belt. 

I do hope this helps!


Cat, if your so inclined, I find this to be particularly helpful:

Ephesians 3:16 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

I helps me, hope it will help you.

Prayers for you and your family.



I would second Jennifer-Quit. Smoking will not do anything to assist with the crisis. Something that halps me is deep  breathing. Specifically "box breathing". I originally read about here then googled it. Essentially it entails taking a breath for 4 secs; hold for 4 secs, exhale for 4 secs, wait for 4 secs.... and repeat.

It sounds pretty basic but it does really work!

Hopefully this crisis will pass soon will no ill effects.

Good luck.


Hi there.  It does get easier.  hang in there.  I got injured at work and had to have surgery in the very beginning of my quit.  I never thought i would make it through but I did and I'm glad I did!  Smoking will not change any circumstances.


I also dealt with stress or any emotions with smoking, I think we all did, I smoked for 40 yrs and finally quit a little over 3 and a half yrs ago, I also cried over the slightest thing one minute and felt like screaming or laughing the next but it'll pass with some time under your belt and it's definetly worth it to be Free, you can do this quit one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time but you must stick with quit and every day you get through is another Day WON....

a lot of deep breathing and kept asking myself, what do you think a nonsmoker would do in this situation?  I knew if I wanted to stay quit, I needed to find ways to simply deal with life on life's terms.  I've never been a drama queen and when I quit all of that just surfaced.  Now, I've learned not to overreact.  I can only be responsible for the things I can change myself physically.  If I can't, then I can only be supportive to the person that needs me.


I third what Jennifer said.  Smmoking will not help you it will only make it worse.  Lord knows I went through lots of life events in the beginning days of my quit. This is what helped me:  I stayed in touch with this group,  I took lots of deep breaths slowly through my nose out my mouth and chanted I don't do that and NOPE (not one puff ever) and stayed determined that I would not smoke and I didn't and now I am 628 days of freedom.  Hang in there and know that each crisis you go through makes your stronger, remember you are learning to live without cigarettes and smoking you will get there. Just stick to your guns. Stay busy! My favorite was making it a ME day! I would put scented candles in the bathroom, take a long candle lit bubble bath closing my eyes and focusing on breathing. IAwe it is so relaxing, then you will be able to tackle anything. YOU CAN DO THIS! YOu did good posting here. Another day won. Hurray!