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Give and get support around quitting


How many times did you try to quit before you quit for good?

 It has taken me over 10 attempts, i honestly stopped counting. Whats crazy is my first quit attempt 02/10/2010 wasn't as tough as the attempts after, i was told get past 30 days and you're in the clear by a good friend. I believed him. After i blew that on 9/24/2012 i made the mistake of putting off quitting. I didn't go right back to a pack a day but here and there and within a month i was back. I waited until early march 2015 to quit again, and relapse after relapse. Some quits were a few weeks, 1 was over 3 months until i decided on 11/25/2015 i was done beating myself up.

17 Replies

I have quit for as long as the amount of time I smoked, give or take a few months. I'd say 10-15 tries, but this is the one that counts. 


Day 233


I've lost track, honest attempts is probably north of 15. Statistically speaking, I will relapse as I'm too young and have not tried to quit enough times. What statistics don't know is that I prevail when I'm told I can't do something! I'm 34 DOF going on a lifetime! 


I had a serious quit wayyyyyyyy back; started it on New Year's Day in 2000 that lasted for two years.  Since then, I've always been in "I need to quit again" mode.  I had only one other serious quit since then that lasted a couple of months.  I consider a quit serious when I have a written plan and clean out my car. 

I have probably had a half-assed quit every other pack.

Seven days quit today, still enthusiastic for the quit.


Keep the Quit

Congrats, being a week quit makes you 9 times more likely to stay quit What Happens When You Quit Smoking: A Timeline of Health Effects 

I'll see you in no man's land soon

Congratulations PT! Hell week is the hardest & you showed it who's boss.

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      I never quit for good, I quit for me. I stay smober one day at a time and intend never to smoke again. I cannot declare my smobriety for and ahead of all my tomorrows, however many or few there may be, because tomorrow isn't here yet. I have to earn tomorrows' smobriety tomorrow. So, just for today I walk the walk. True on day one, true today. 


I’ve quit 6 times. They lasted between a few weeks to about 9 months (during pregnancy), and I always started back up by trying to have “just one.” My attempts at quitting definitely number in the triple digits, but I never made it through the first day those times. And I agree with you; it gets exponentially harder each and every time. 


Thanks for sharing!!