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How long does this emotional rollercoaster last?

My moods have been so crazy ,the things that never bothered me before ,make me so angry, when does all go away, I'm on day 19 of my journey, still getting these crazy moods.

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     Don't know how long your rollercoaster will last, but I do know that smobriety is a good quality of life worth growing one day at a time. You quit for a reason--hit refresh and keep a going.


Remember, there are always going to be good days and bad days and smoking never changed are just FEELING more intensity now and, believe it or not, that's a GOOD thing.  You are doing this.


The roller coaster will slow down a lot as the days pass. It is a hard thing to do but let the craving pass. Find something that makes you happy so that you can add some positive thoughts to your day. Be proud of yourself for each day you go smoke free!


I think my moods leveled off around 30 days, so you're like 3/4 of the way there already!  Keep going strong!


By today, you are a full four weeks quit. Yeah for you! How's the roller coaster ride at one month quit? Like AnnetteMM‌ says, your mood is due to level off pretty soon if it hasn't already. There's so much good stuff ahead. 

The roller coaster does slow down and coast a bit... Beware, others have warned me it can sneak up on you out of the blue. Stay busy and use your toolbox.  Congrats on the days you are stacking up....


4 WEEKS!!!!!,it feels good and it's getting easier by the day to change my old habits and make new ones that are alot healthier, I joined a gym and that helps with my moods as well. Yes they are few now . 


Congratulations on day 19.I am also on day 19 and I can relate to you.   I still get that intense craving which is really irritating and frustrating but they go away eventually. But remember this , if you cave in and get tempted for that one puff you are again surrendering to Nicodemon.

Key thing I learnt from reading other posts on this site and other sites is to break the association of the nicotine craving to a sense of relief and pressure. Every time you get a craving remember the following

1. Associate the craving to a damaged lung.

2. Associate the craving to short of breath

3. Associate the craving to less amount of money to spend on other things.

4. Associate the craving to being treated like a Pariah everywhere.

5. Associate the craving to a less time spent with family.

6. Associate the craving to smelly stinky clothes

7. Associate the craving to all kind of health issues, COPD, Emphysema, heart disease, Lung cancer , r

educed sexual drive.

Now also do the opposite.

1. Staying strong and not caving to the nicotine- Associate this with all good things, essentially the opposite of it.

I am resigned to the fact that the cravings will never go away and I should always be ready and prepared. One thing I will strongly advise is read the posts on this site from the elders and other useful information. It serves as an inspiration and helps to know that there are others who have taken this path and the journey is worth it.


"I am resigned to the fact that the cravings will never go away"  Do not resign yourself to that.  They DO go away.  Doesn't mean one won't pop up out the blue now and then, but truly  - the constant aching for one - that goes away.  Please believe us when we say it.  None of us long-term quitters could survive as long as we have if it were not true.  That you should always be prepared and ready is also true.  But you are not doomed to a lifetime of wanting and needing a cigarette day after day.  Don't go there in your mind.  Nymous


The craves weaken immensely and your quit strengthens but you have a beautiful plan there and it is working for you!  You have a very solid start!.