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Give and get support around quitting


How do YOU change YOUR suddenly negative attitude?

I was filled with JOY good thinking then SUDDENLY BAM!!!!! Thoughts of being negative came and at FIRST I started to ponder and VERY SLOWLY going BACK to old ways I thought come here and ASK OTHERS so I did.... I NEED YOUR trys at dealing with the SUDDENLY in negatives SOLUTIONS that YOU tried on YOUR OWN and it WORKED for YOU! Thanks for HELPING its just a SUDDENLY negative MOMENT of MY day.... this too shall pass BUT in this MONENT I NEED PEOPLE!

21 Replies


I have been on here very little for the past couple of weeks and I just saw this.  I so hope that the moment of negativity is long past.  I come here when I feel that way, I reach out to anyone and everyone I can find.  For me, the secret is to share my burden and hopefully help someone else along the way.

You are such a strong and amazing woman and you help so many of us through hard times, it would be an honor to hold you up and help you in any way that I possibly can.  I will keep you in my prayers, we both know the power of prayer.

