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How do YOU change YOUR suddenly negative attitude?

I was filled with JOY good thinking then SUDDENLY BAM!!!!! Thoughts of being negative came and at FIRST I started to ponder and VERY SLOWLY going BACK to old ways I thought come here and ASK OTHERS so I did.... I NEED YOUR trys at dealing with the SUDDENLY in negatives SOLUTIONS that YOU tried on YOUR OWN and it WORKED for YOU! Thanks for HELPING its just a SUDDENLY negative MOMENT of MY day.... this too shall pass BUT in this MONENT I NEED PEOPLE!

21 Replies

Thank you Kim for sharing all you do to help yourself by a personal inventory.... what am I thinking or doing.... am I in reality or fantasy... or have I been gentle and loving to ME... thank you again I am so grateful to you bringing to MY attention I sometimes treat MYSELF mean now O have alot more kindness and gentleness in SELF care. A gentle hug and keep on keeping on so winderful I am NOT ALONE!     

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Hi Dianne Joy!  It's the certified crazy bipolar lady who has DECADES of experience with trying to deal with the negativity that occasionally consumes us. It's never easy, nothing is.  The biggest and first step to coming out of the negative is to acknowledge its' presence.  You already took a huge step forward by doing that and then reaching out, which is step two.  Step three, realizing that in that moment of negative emotions, something exterior to ourselves or maybe within our subconscious happened or we perceived to happen to push the 'bad' button.  Now that you've identified all of that, you can begin to truly take in the light and love that always surrounds you even in your darkest times.  That negative was simply one emotion of thousands we have a day.  It's not bad, good, or indifferent it just is.  At this point you should be able to start shifting your thought process toward the positive again.  With everyone here that should take all of a whole minute!  We love you so love yourself!  God loves you, you are his child and you know your Father will always cradle you in his arms. 



Thanks for strengthening MY FAITH and to KNOW you Julie have walk this testing and spiritual WAR in YOUR OWN soul which if the mind will emotions.... MY spirit and soul rejoices in the FACT it happened to YOU JULIE and YOU made it through YOUR OWN inner battle so thabks sister for giving ME a reminder to BE STILL AND KNOW GOD and to accept HELP at MY lowest like a drowning woman! Keep on keeping sister I do appreciate you Julie and REMAIN quit and ever so grateful for the HELP taking what HELPS and letting go of the rest! A gentle hug to ya 

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I've said often that bad things happen, but they are not punishments for the good things.  They are what they are.  I like anaussiemom's suggestion about writing.  I like to right positive things in order to see that there are many more of them than negative.  I know that there are negatives in my life, but if I focus on them for too long I know what the outcome will be and smoking does not change them.  I also know that you are an inspiration to many people here, so I am thinking of you and send big hugs.



Yes! God bless YOU and also please know YOU are MichelleDiane... MY bright light to LOOK into my spiritual tool box and TODAY I found that pen and wrote that letter! Thanks for the reminder of when I learned this spiritual wisdom TOOL in 1988 in professional therapy when I went for HELP to deal with MY past childhood issues of ages 6 to15... I was raped by MY dad for 8 years I NEEDED HELP cuz I surrendered alcohol in May 22,1987 and it was SUGGESTED I get professional help BEFORE I use alcohol again! This writing tool has SAVED ME and many innocent people from MY victim child mentally as a living adult to write and take to therapy back then and only by Gods grace I still use this TOOL to save ME from hurting others by emotional defenses that are PAST OLD WEAPONS which I do NOT need today! WE are wise to use the spiritual tool of writing to take MY personal inventory NOT others and walking just like you have walked with your talk of ising this SPIRITUAL TOOL instead of NICOTINE! Thank you MichelleDiane so much HELPING ME to REMAIN QUIT and keep on keeping with MY beloved sister! A gentle hug for ya too!

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I try to change my thinking by taking it out of the present moment.  Kind of a "this too shall pass," concept as you said.  First you have to catch yourself in that negative thinking mode and attempt to step out of it, or see it from a different perspective - an UNEMOTIONAL one.  Very difficult and it takes practice.  But I'll throw in a thought like "A year from now, this moment won't even be a blip on the radar."  I also consciously say to myself "Ok, enough of THAT thinking.  Time to focus elsewhere."  And then I haul the wheel and turn that big ship of my mind - elsewhere.  It's so slow to turn, but turn it you can.  And of course humor helps a lot too.   Hang in.  It always DOES pass, right?!  ('Course the problem is it always comes back too!  lol)


MY wise beloved Lady G who God had blessed ME with in his DEEP love for ME! I am so grateful for your TOUGH love in the beginning of MY nicotine recovery for YOUR strength HELPED ME to believe trust and take YOUR SUGGESTIONS to DO as you shared and I did and I still do TODAY! Thanks for HELPING ME to always ASK for HELP first NO matter what MY thinking or feelings or any thing in ME tries to keep secret BLOG and tell all MY fears and insecurities to ALL here the TRUTH about ME and remain open minded to accept the help offered or dont... the choice to MINE ! Your the BEST Lady G because you are rigorously honest within YOURSELF and you taught ME to be wise and do the same!!! Love you to eternity in Our Lord Jesus name amen please take what HELPS and let go of the rest to be HELPFUL is MY only aim! A gentle hug for you Lady G keep on keeping on 

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 "you are rigorously honest within YOURSELF and you taught ME to be wise and do the same!!!"   That is one of  the most wonderful things that anyone has ever said to me.  Am so grateful.  Thank you.  You're absolutely right.  I AM "rigorously honest" (what a term)  with myself.  It's kind of a brutal way to be.  But it's my 'take what you like' for myself.   'Pretend' stopped working for me the first moment it was shattered.  I send you a fiercely strong hug and know that you will keep keeping on.  

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Sounds like you've got a great start in shooing the negative away. The only thing I can add? To echo what Guilia said, CONCIOUSLY steer your thoughts elsewhere. Difficult to do, but you have to accept the negative thoughts as what they are; self defeating and crippling. They will not get you where you wanna be, nor will they make the journey pleasant. We have this ONE life, and have to make a conscious decision to hold on tight and find blessings in every moment. 



Thank you Lisami for reminding ME I will CHOOSE to begin MY day OVER in any MOMENT of THIS  day by using MY spiritual tools laid at MY time of THIS day abd throughout THIS day ONLY and to be WISE in MY thought life for that is where the REAL battle is MY CHOICES to love or CHOOSE the darkness of old stinking thinking! Thank you again for the spiritual tool to THINK what I am thinking about... keep on keeping on... A gentle hug for you

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