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Give and get support around quitting


How do WE do it?

I am going to quit smoking on June 1st...How do I do it??? I need some input and advise. My husband hates me smoking he is totally tabacco free. My daughter is learning about drugs in school and she tells me I need to quit because cig's are drugs...and she is right, It is a horrible addiction that kills people. I am a habbit smoker, and I also enjoy it at times, I feel that it relaxes me when I am stressed. I do not smoke in my house or around my kids. That has made me realize that I even hate it more because it takes time away from my family because mommy is outside smoking. Please help me guys...I need a boost!
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7 Replies

Hi Melody...I am quitting on June 2 (6-2-08) (my philosophy on this date is 6+2=08. I have a son who graduates high school on June 7th and my youngest son will be 17 on June 6th. I will be going to PA for the great weekend and want a few days quit before i get there. Both my sons enlisted in the Army and will be leaving and I just feel it is time to quit. I will be staying with my daughter and her family and I don't want to see my grandaughter see me smoking because she is at the age of asking a million questions in an hour.
I do enjoy smoking at times, especially in the morning with coffee. I relax and get ready for the day. That will be the hardest time for me. I don't smoke in anyones house, not even my own so that wont be a problem. I would prefer to be outside. I am an outside kind of person. This summer will be hot and humid and I know from smoking it will be miserable. I work outside as well. A few people in my family has quit smoking and they don't crave cigs at all so I feel if they can do this I can too. I go to church and had myself put on the prayer list to quit. They all know I am quitting too. So I have to. I can't see myself without a cig but that is a vision I have to change. I see how my aunt looks in her 60's from smoking for many many years and it is awful. That right there is an incentive. she looks pretty bad. I did manage to get down to 10 cigs a day so I am hoping this will be easier than it feels. Somedays I try to go without a cig here & there and I would rather give birth to a 12 lb baby than quit!! I hope this site makes it easier!
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HI ladies, I"m new to this site too and plan to quit June 1. I've smoked since I was 15 and I'm that's 31 years with cigarettes. Damn scary thought quitting smoking is to me. I quit a few years ago for about 3 months and got really depressed. So I'm nervous about getting depressed again when I quit.

I remind myself about how much better I did feel back then when I did quit. I'm really hoping this upcoming quit will be the end all of smoking for me.

But just like you both, I'm nervous about my upcoming quit and don't want to fail at it.
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Hi Julie...I am worried about it too. But I recently went on a date and he smoked also but he smoked way more than me and he stunk badly. I am hoping I don't smell like that to others, I am glad I didn't kiss him. Bleah!! We just took a bike ride but it had me thinking I am really ready to quit! I smoke the 72's (short Marlboro) and they helped to cut down. I cant smoke a regular cig any more. Taht may help to make quitting easier.
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Hi everybody. I am a recent EX smoker. I quit just this month. What worked for me was signing up for the become an ex quit plan on I followed their advice and it has worked thus far. The best thing that worked for me was to know what my triggers were for when I wanted a cigarette. Once I knew what they were I tried to either change what I was doing for stop doing it all together. For example I had a hard time giving up cigarettes while drinking coffee in the morning so I switch to drinking OJ. Another cigarette that was hard for me to give up was the one while having a few beers with the fellas. Most importantly I kept coming to this community site and saw that I wasn't alone. Knowing that other people were going through the same thing that was and having their support was very helpful. I've only been smoke free for about four weeks now but that is the longest I've ever gone. Keep trying and have faith in yourself and you will do it. I hope this helps.
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aloha, I have been quit for a long time and the thing that helped me was to follow a quit plan. I used the patches as directed. I love the patch. then get educated to what to expect. is excellent. come join our group smoke freedom kosmik burd started, we are a group of old friends and most of us have been quit for quite awhile we have lots of ideas on how to help get past this. please know it is doable and you can do it
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I also feel guilt over the time that smoking takes away from my family. Tracking my cigarettes helped me to realize that I really don't have good reasons for smoking. It's just something I do. Looking at my triggers and learning ways to separate myself from them has been very helpful. I found all of that here on this site. The alternative activities they suggest are sometimes silly, but have helped me look at fun things I can do instead of picking up that cigarette. Look at the separation part of the plan. Most importantly, make a plan and stick with it!
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Roberta....good luck on your quit date. Mine is June 2. Child #5 of my 6 children is graduating on June 7. So I need to quit the weekend before to handle the stress of being around my ex again for a couple days. I don't have any support and I am staying with my parents for a brief time and it is enough to drive a person to drink let alone smoke to escape the stress. (I don't drink but the temptation is great here). I am going to rely on prayer. I will probably need human help as well I feel. The lozenges don't work for I tried them. I may try the gum. I take a heart pill (since hysterectomy which it stemmed from) and I am not sure if I can use the patch.

the cravings are there when break time nears. I get headaches when I don't have a cig for awhile. This is gonna be harder than I thought. I really want to quit and I pray I can do this.
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