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How did you become an EX?

I am 25 and have been smoking for about 8 years. I am really beginning to get into running and duathlons, so there is nothing more that I would like than to quit smoking. I really don't want to take prescription drugs, but I was wondering what some other effective aids out there are? Thanks so much, can't wait to quit.
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12 Replies


I smoked 30 years and tried everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to quit. I must be a stubborn woman. 19 months ago I said no more. I told myself that no matter what I felt, what hell I had to go through, that all I had to do was to NOT put one in my mouth. I did not require myself to feel good. After about a month (sorry) I did not think of them again. And I still don't think of them ever, at all. Nope. Remember, that everything withdrawl is - is a LIE. You can live without them. One will hurt you.

It will get better. Just don't put one in your mouth.
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The patch works pretty well for me. Other then the nicotine replacement therapies, I suggest drinking lots of fruit juice the first 3 days if you're going to just quit cold turkey. Hope this helps a little. Good luck! You can do it!!!
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You should think again about the meds.I took chantix and it was the best thing I could have done.I quit with no problems when I am around poeple that smoke it makes me feel sick and this was after 2 weeks of quiting.I had no side effects at all.It worked great for me.
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Hey there. I am a 23 year old woman. I smoked since I was 13; non stop. My best suggestion is, watch a movie about someone who died of enphzyma ( it may be spelled wrong). That really made a difference. I also used the patch. The patch helped me because the risk of smoking while on the patch can put you in the hospital immediately. You can catch a cardiac arrest. So by me knowing the real risk and also because I had a will to stop, it helped me. I have been an Ex for almost three months with no urge.
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Hey. I quit smoking 4 months ago after smoking for 10. I tell you, cold turkey is supposed to be the best way to go. Just do it and get it over with. I personally, woke up one Wednesday and decided not to smoke that day. And the next day and the next. I ate the nicotine candy sparingly for 4 days, but haven't touched anything since. I read somewhere that 95% of all ex-smokers out there quite cold turkey. I don't know if that's true or not, but I tried everything before. Since you're athletic, (I am a runner also) it won't be as hard for you as someone who sedentary.
Some things I did to help with the urges:
Drank lots of juice, Smoking does something to you're blood sugar (you should look up the exact science) and drinking juice will help you from not over eating until you're body re-adjusts itself.
I walked a lot. I went outside every hour for a non-smoke break and walked. I still do that three times a day.
I chewed a lot of gum. I still keep a pack on me at all time. I don't crave smokes anymore, I crave trident.
I worked out.
I drank a ton of water.
I talked about it with everyone..
Oh, so there's these tobacco free cigarettes (called Smoke Free) that you can buy online you smoke them like a real cigarette and everything. When I drank, or when I felt that I really needed one I smoked one of those. They taste like complete butt, but really, they where the biggest thing to get me over the habit. I completely forgot about those. They helped me just because I'm a heavy drinker. I haven't smoked one of those in 2 months. Oh, they do taste bad.
Really, you can do this, it's hard, but ... It's soo good for you
Good luck
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Good for you! I just recently quit after smoking for way too many years - 40.

I couldn't remember what life was life before a cigarette - I am creating a new life now.

Try to change the behavior that you participate in when you smoke. If you smoke outside, change to smoking in a different spot. Make yourself do nothing other than smoke for that time - lose the connection.

I also changed the brand of cigarettes, to American Spirit. (Yeah - what a name, American Spirit). But, those cigarettes do not contain all the chemicals that 'regular' cigarettes do. They are JUST tobacco.

Try smoking through a tissue to see the amount of gunk that goes into your lungs each time you puff.

Good luck to you!
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So wonderful you want to quit...I had been smoking 10 years at your age.
I smoked a total of 32 years...2 packs a day.
I used the patch.
I have been smoke free 8 years.
It was hard for the first few will have your moments.
It not easy...but I am living proof you can do this.
My biggest regret is not quitting when I was your age.
Good Luck
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I found that there really wasn't any one thing to ingest that made me stop smoking but the nicotine gum did help with the cravings and I set several quit dates(x3) only to find myself smoking again within one to three days. The last quit date had personal significance for me (my daughter's birthdate) as well as my deepest desire to quit. I never gave up ( and was able to quit-101 days and counting)and if you keep on trying and don't give up you WILL be able to quit. You should know something about setting goals and doing the steps towards them (you train for running) and keep striving every day. Everyday keep trying and remember, its not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get up!! The best to you always and i will keep you in prayer.........
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i have been really happy with the Commit lozenges. when i feel like i want a cigarette i just pop one in my mouth. it takes 30 minutes to dissolve so by that time my craving is over. also chewing on something like a toothpick or straw helps. good luck 🙂
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