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Give and get support around quitting


How are you feeling today???

Day 3, horrible headaches, feeling very tired and sleepy , a bit irritible and withdrawn.  How is everyone else feeling today???  How have you handled your cravings today? I've had lots of gum (my jaw hurts) and lots of tea.

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6 Replies

ugh. grumpy. day 5 no smoking. still, i'm glad not to be smoking.  another day down.

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I hear ya... the hours turn into days, eventually the days turn into weeks and weeks into months..after you get two weeks in or so that is motivation alone because you will have gotten so far you will feel great about yourself

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I feel very happy that I made it through the second day with no cigs.  I am going to do it this time.  I had one piece of nic gum, and I am going to have one more piece now before I go to bed, it helps me sleep. 

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Good morning day one of my restart quit date and I am feeling good will get to work fine its after work that worries me and I am already thinking about it.  its 8 hours away and I am way aware of this trigger this am.  I think I will eat gum before I leave work today to counteract the urge.

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having separation anxiety

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Hello group!  This is brand new to me, I've just registered and I am scared to death!  I have tried numerous times in the past with no success.  I am very much a type A personality with no childern so I have always thought it was my right to do what I want.  Except watching my family one by one dye horribly of lung cancers has changed my mind but the worst is knowing what my husband would have to indur (he has never been a smoker) and now knowing the pain I will put him through has been so unfair.  I have yet to set my quit date, I'm going to start by cutting back and pysching myself into this.  So good luck to us all and God bless!! Each minute, hour and day is a success.

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