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Give and get support around quitting


Today's the first day...THIS time!

Now, I've quit before easily and successfully, but I want a place to go when I feel like smoking.  Just finished my last smoke a couple of  hours ago.  Feeling okay and want to see if I can make it till tomorrow w/o a patch.

I'm Jo and I'm 51.  35 years of experience!  I want to quit for me and my pets.  I can't keep up with the rising costs either!  I think that this site can be fun, instead of going it alone.  I don't have a lot to say yet, but you'll soon know more about me than you ever wanted to know!

Happy New Year, folks!!


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16 Replies

I have been smoking for 12 years.  Im 27 and have to kids that i need to quit for but its really hard when i have NO support.  I hope this site helps.  so far so good but i am extremely emotional today and dont want to leave the house or my room for that matter.  

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Can you get to a place where you are unlikely to smoke?  Write down how much you're saving and treat yourself.  Especially if today is the first day...reward yourself with something that isn't associated with smoking. 

I've stopped times before and I can recommend getting a handheld game like BlackJack or Poker, cheap at Radio Shack, etc. and just keep that in your hands or right by your side.  It's one thing that works.

I sit on my couch, facking the TV.  My left side is against the couch and I got out my little laptop mouse and am using it in my right smoking hand.  I'm just playing solitaire and watching TV, but my hand is occupied and my stomach full.  Anything to keep your hands busy and your mind off the smokes.  Just things that help me.

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i haven't quit yet but I want to.  I'm tired of the emotional roller coaster I go through when I smoke.  I really don't like the evil me that comes out when I try to quit for a day.  I need to be more realistic about quitting; make a plan instead of quitting and being disappointed when I fail.

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The start page is great at getting a plan to get you going.  You don't have to start today if this isn't the time.  Get a box of Nicoderm and keep it there for when you're ready to quit and don't have cigarettes on hand.

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Hi, this is my 3rd quit. I ampraying that 3 is my lucky number. I really quit on December 15th but.... without giving it a second thought I bought a pack yesterday and had one and threw the pack away.... With all my heart I want to quit. I hate smoking just need help to stay quit. Keeping busy helps but isn't enough.

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Did you get any gum or patches?  I've quit successfully for well over a year on the patch before.  Then I started bumming cigarettes and the people I hung out with smoked, so it started for me a whole new 8-10 years.  I just can't afford it anymore!!

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I've tried quiting 5 times in the past, but finally decided that I had to stop!  I was also scared of the evil person I became when I was craving, it wasn't cool!!! Anyhow, this time I was determined and purchased the patches, it has helped the cravings a bit but my mind is still playing games with me.  I get flashes of smoking with coffee or after dinner and especially when I've get in my car.  But knowing that I can't smoke with the patches helps me to brush of the feeling.  I have to say this site is very helpful.  Stay strong, and remember that it's hard but we have to take it one day at a time.

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I was successful for six years, and then started bumming cigarettes till I was back full blown smoker. I took wellbutrin to quit and am on wellbutrin again. I made the mistake of believing I had control because I was successful at not smoking the next day until I inhaled for the first time I did have control. I must remember not to pick one up again after success.

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This scares me. I have been smoking for 16 years. I am 34 years old. My first day is tomorrow. I am about to complete a degree in exercise science. I really, really want to do this and I am doing it cold turkey, or at least I hope.  I have convinced myself that it is purely a mind over matter, and after reading these posts I am really freaked out! We shall see how it goes

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