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How are the July 4th quitters doing?

I was one of the July 4th Quitters, I am still an EX, I did use nico gum for the first 10 days with toothpicks to chew on and straws to hold, after that I was all about the mood swings, LOL!!! but they too passed, now we are at 24 days and I for one am having trouble with all this energy, I just can't stay busy enough, so I am channeling that into job hunting and my hobbies, I guess I could do some yard work LOL!

How are all of you July 4th Quitters doing?

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wow ok apparently i sent out a mass email instead of responding to this one lol..well as im sure u may have read by now i get where ur coming from the energy is nuts and i am OCD as it is anyways so now im really cleaning and going nuts doing best friend thinks i have lost my mind cause i am like a hyper dog on crack lmao! My last day was the 21st of this month so its been a week for me so far...and so good!
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My July 4th quit date was an accident. I had intended to quit on the 1st (and had stopped 8 days before the 1st to get ready) and then of course drinks at the pool/bbq led to my downfall. I puffed like a chimney on the 4th and declared my independence.

I have not smoked since the 4th and quit Cold Turkey this time. I have quit before for 60 days and fell off the wagon (in January of this year). For me, using the gum definitely helped the first time... It's good to know you can actually quit. But I knew after several "quit" attempts, I would need to go cold turkey to flush out the nicotine.

I am on Day 45 (Aug. 18th) and am feeling good about it. I have stopped the triggers- i.e. going out, friends who smoke, but have not been able to avoid stress. Like anyone can avoid it!

Best of luck to everyone! AND if you are a REPEAT quitter-- try it without the gum. You may be able to Kick It for Good!
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My first day being fully quit was July 4th. I stopped counting the days finally. I am chewing the cinnamon surge myself, is that a bad thing? I am down to about four pieces a day now and I have only used the 2mg pieces. As for triggers it was so weird today- my kids went back to school. I go in with them it being the first day and all, do all the first day stuff, go to my car and think of rolling down the window for a smoke! I quit durin the summer so I forgot all about doing that in my routine, it was so strange. I reached for the gum instead, but now since they are in school and my hubby is at work all day I am having sneaky thoughts of smoking secretivly! how awful that would be and I bet I would get sick becuase I can walk out of a place now and smell one smoking right outside of the doorway, I live in AR you can't smoke inside anywhere here, and I think it smells terrible now. I am glad we are a smoke free state now or it would be much harder to stay quit. I hope all of July peeps are doing well. Also on another note, I have not calculated anything but I know I am saving tons of money too! YEA! I can spend more when I go shopping!
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Jennifer...the gum is NOT a "bad thing" if it works for you !!! Funny how those old routines pop up when you least expect it, hey ?? But I am really proud of you that you went for the gum...and NOT that cig !!! GOOD JOB !!!

I quit using the gum this time. The first few days, I was chomping all the time !! Then I noticed that I was actually chewing the gum less and less. I tried to go an entire day without the gum, and it worked - everything was fine !! I got some Trident sugarless gum - it's shaped like the nico gum - has the same flavor - same firmness and texture - so when a crave hit (and it did !!) I substituted the sugarless for the nico gum. I've been nicotine free for 3 weeks now - - no cigs - no gum - - just free!!!!

It's a neat idea to have a discussion to follow-up on the people that set quit dates here !!! My quit date was July 1st....

50 days today !!! Woooooo-Hooooo !!!!!Photobucket
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well i still haven't picked up a ciggy since july 21st yea me guess i was determined huh now to lose weight haha funny considering u tend to munch more after quitting lucky for me i have a good friend that is helping me pick out good snacks!
good luck and keep it up to the rest
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