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I've been on Chantix for 19 days and today is my 6th day smoke free. I am super proud of myself and today I had only one minor crave I dont even know if it was a craving as much as it was a passing thought and quickly went away. My question is how much is me doing this and re learning how to go through day to day without smoking and how much of this is the medicine. Because right now I am proud of me...but should I be? Is this just chantix doing all the work? And if so what is life like after chantix. Do the cravings and urges come back? How will I cope with those without chantix on my side? I am just so happy to be in this space I am right now I feel so good but I am just so worried about down the road. I am asking past chantix users how did you cope without the medicine? Did urges come back and how did you stay smoke free? Thank you all in advance. 

21 Replies

It gets worse without medication. I would keep taking Chantix for at least 6 months. I stopped at around 2.5 months and I think that was too soon. I’m one year smoke free, and still get major cravings although they are fewer and farther between. Good luck!


Be proud of yourself.  Be proud that you have made the decision to quit smoking.  Chantix is nor a miracle cure.  It is an aide that helps to take the edge off.  You do have so some work for yourself.  It takes work.  As time passes you will have fewer cravings. Making a commitment that no matter what happens in your life is not an EXcuse to smoke. NO MATTER WHAT.‌ Congrats on making it through HELL NO I WILL NOT SMOKE WEEK. 
