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Give and get support around quitting

Hope this place help

Hey folks

I am Claudio, probbably is too soon to say something but, I have decided quit smoking, I am nervous, with nicotine cravings, I have identified my triggers and got my medications, I have been following become an Ex Methodology, I decided to start this month as someone new, someone who does not smoke, this is my first day without any cigarrete.

so, let the force be with you!
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3 Replies

Claudio, you came to the right place to start your new, smoke-free life. There is lots of support here - I don't think I would be quit if it wasn't for many of the people here. Ask all the questions you need to - someone will know the answer.
It sounds as though you have the right attitude. Keep us updated.

Stay Strong - Stay Quit
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Hey Claudio. I'm on day 1 too! I was doing well this morning, feeling pretty confident and optomistic about this time (I have tried to quit many, many times before.) As the day progressed, the Nicorette was becoming more and more necessary and repetitive. But all in all, I am still standing; I didn't die; and I am able to put one foot in front of the other and move forward with this challenge. I didn't sign up with the program until today, so i didn't have time to do the cigarette tracking or the separation exercises, but I understand them and definitely know what my triggers are.

I wish you success and "may the force also be with you."
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awesome keep us updated
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