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Give and get support around quitting


Hi! (and a week from tomorrow)

Hello all,

Been working this for a couple of weeks now, and my date is Friday the 13th.. (Pure coincidence) Been smoking for 23 years, and must have tried to quit at least 23 times... 😉 The EX program really seems to help.. I've gone from crawling out of bed and having a smoke on the porch in my robe to rather comfortably showering, dressing, hitting Starbucks for a cup of tea, and driving half-way to work before I light my first smoke of the day. I just keep telling myself that I'll have one at *that* bridge, and then *that* bridge......

Been lurking a bit, and appreciate all of the encouragement and advice that you all offer.

Just wanted to say hello!
Etiquetas (1)
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2 Respuestas

Welcome! I used the Ex plan too and have had REALLY GREAT success with it! Stay strong in your commitment to be smoke free!
I have been quit for 3 Weeks, 4 Days, 17 hours, 13 minutes and 36 seconds (25 days). I have saved $90.00 by not smoking 257 cigarettes. I have saved 21 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 5/11/2008 5:13 PM
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Good luck! I have not conquered the morning smoke but i have taken away smoking in the house and the car so that has been helpful and usually only one or two smokes at work so I am also leading upto my quit date June 15. Stay strong and remember the support.

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