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Here I Go Again

I went almost 3weeks w/o longest streak...and i screwed it up. Once again, i'm jumping right back on board and I am on day 3. This is truly the hardest thing i have ever tried to suceed doing. I try and stay positive and make it a good thing but when in that moment all i could think about was ...i went this long...."one won't hurt"...damnnnn. well i'm back at it again....wish me luck........L.C.
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12 Replies

I commend you for getting back on board so fast. This is probably the hardest thing many of us will go through. I have heard that it is tougher to beat this than a herion addicition. I know how you feel. I have been there where I say "one won't hurt" which than leads to three and than more. This beast wants to get you down but you are not going to let it. You are stronger than that. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT - JUST TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME - JUST ONE MOMENT AT A TIME!!!! I intend on saying a prayer for you for perserverance and strength as soon as I finish this email. Many blessings!!! And good job of getting on track again so quickly!!! Cindy
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Hey L.C.!
get back on that horse!!! was it at the party? Iknow you must feel guilty as hell, good!!!lol!!! nawww guilt wont do it....just be very mad at tobaco compagnys for the hold they have on very mad, and become very independant towards them, show them (and mostly yourself) that you don't need them and their tobaco..... that you are free from bs then make the decision and stick to it like your life depends on it....well it
you know what helps me? i go on youtube and watch the smoking or not smoking commercials, I MAKE myself really WATCH, its digusting....but, for does the job!
Of course you can do it, congrats on doing it right now! I'm with you!
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Cindy...good lookin out. I appreciate you taking the time out to encourage me. I'm on day 6 now. still hanging tough. I now realized how serious i am about this. there was a time when i would say i want to quit. go one day and start right back with no guilt......i feel guilty now, that's why i jump right back in it. Continue 2 send a prayer up for me....and i will do the same for you Cindy. Later.......L.C.
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Sylvie......I'm back on that horse for sure. I am now on day 6.....but u are right i did feel guilty and it's actually a good feeling b/c now i realize how serious i am about this. I am going 2 take your advise about youtube.....i also plan to print out pics and things like that, post it on the fridge. But i like the different approach you seem to be taking. I appriciate you getting at me.....and "trying" to give a little tough love....."but u punked out and softened up on me" thanks....Good luck I will be posting my 1week mark "again".............I'm out........L.C.
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Who you'r calling a punk? you...bad bad slip up want to be nonsmoker????
Is that better!!??
I can huff and I can pufff(the other kind!)
Wonderfull L.C., you the man!!!seriously, i thinck you scared yourself by slipping, and you decided right away to stop that nonsense.More power to you!
I am going to friends marriage tomorow...luckyly now with new laws people cant smoke in public I should be OK....sorry: I WILL be OK......cause no way no how will i smoke again.....but it will be a loooong day......
Take care!!
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I made it past the 1week mark and still stroking. I hope the next time i here from you , you be telling the story of how you made thru the wedding festivities w/o a smoke. I've been having some long days myself.......but a long day is much better than a "smoke filled day" ...later
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Bonjour L.C!

Well......I SURVIVED!!!! G weez not easy!!! My 21st day today....YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know how I said: thank god people can't smoke guessed it...the wedding was outside.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr lots of smoking going on....i permited myself a glass of champagne, and a glass of wine, was going to have another one, but, the urge to have a cig was becoming stronger, so I was a very good , proud girl and stopped the drinking there, I had a thought or 2 about you.....I wanted to show off!!!
We are good!!! we aaaaare the championsssssss myyyyyyyy friennnnnnddddd,,,,sing along!!!!
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lol..........that's a major hurdle Sylvie....I'm proud of you. Congrats on your 3week streak. Keep doing what u are doing.....I have 2 remind myself that i am an Ex smoker.....we are ex smokers ..for sure. I'm on day 12.....yep yep......
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Yesssss sir, keep it up!
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