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Give and get support around quitting


Tell me why I want to quit!   I am 84 days in - I know I am still in the 6% - time is dragging by - I want to get to 120 days so I can increase my chance of success.  But it seems so slow.  When I was going through my first week - I thought 2 weeks is so much time - but now at 84 days - I think - this is no time, I have so much left to go.  I guess I really just want someone to talk me off the ledge.  

21 Replies

Welcome Rae - Just BREATHE and when a crave HITS just bite into a lemon and BLOG CONGRATS on YOUR CHOICE to live and NOT suck on DEATH STICKS - yahooooooo for YOU Raejust for TODAY say out loud - N.O.P.E. - NotOnePuffEver

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It WILL get easier and we have ALL been where you are.
