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Give and get support around quitting



I've been panicking the past few days. Almost constant in the past 48 hours. Feeling completely overwhelmed. Terrified, a sense of impending doom, clenching burning in my belly, mind racing, overwhelming grief. Dont feel safe anywhere. 

I havent felt this way I about 2.5 years when i had a breakdown and went on stress leave for a year. Its come back with my quit and the only thing I can think of doing that feels safe right now mlm is to smoke. It's my safe place. Its what I turned to whenever I was overwhelmed and consumed with panic in the past. It's what I turned to when my mom on died suddenly 19 years ago. Now I dont know where to turn and the grief and fear feel absolutely overwhelming. 

The idea of smoking seems better than this. I dont feel I can cope with life like this. 

And I dont know if any of you can really help me. But thought I'd try.  

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80 Respuestas

Thank you Barb. I've made it through to the other side. Back here on earth now. And I didnt smoke! I feel safe now.  


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someone advised me to put my barefeet on a cold surface such as the concrete in a garage to stop a panic attack.


Have you tried the bag trick?  I'm sure you have, (I would imagine that anybody with panic attacks has been told of this technique) but in case not - hold a small to medium paper bag up to your mouth and inhale and exhale.  Hyperventilation causes the body to expel too much carbon dioxide.  By re-breathing exhaled air, it increases carbon dioxide levels.  My husband has used that technique and it helps him every time.


I have seen my son have more than one panic attack and even watching from the "outside" was terrifying.  I can tell you that I have had very CLOSE to full blown panic attacks related to not being able to breathe.  Seriously, I have to slow my breathing down, talk to myself and TRY not to let my heart come out of my chest.  It is NOT easy...I know mine are related to my COPD which is related to my smoking so that never occurs to me as a fix.

I am glad you are feeling better and the breathing and pretending you are Giulia‌ described, is something I did a few times when I first quit.  I would not even use a straw, I would just take a deep breath in and hold it and then hold my fingers up to my lips and slowly exhale.  I blow bubbles now...breathe in, exhale slowly or you won't get any bubbles.  Breath control helps with panic and it was something my respiratory therapist recommended if my oxygen saturations were falling.  

Glad your partner is coming, I am sure that will help.  Hold on, you've got this.  Just LOOK at what you did today, you came here INSTEAD of smoking and you asked for HELP!  Congratulations.



I hope your partner is there with you now and that the fury of the panic has moved on.  Please know that you are being thought of and prayers are being sent.

Comforting hug coming your way,



Sending prayers and strength your way



Freedomcat  How are you doing now?  Just let us know...we really DO care!


Thank you elvan‌ and  deena-a-yenni, I'm more grounded than I was. Back on planet earth. I had fun last night...and belly laughed. That was amazing. Woke up this morning with the same shame knot in my gut as I have since I quit smoking, which I the start of a panic attack. I'm trying to stay away from the thoughts though...that's the dangerous place. And I havent smoked yet. Day 26. 

Congrats on not smoking 

Do you have anything fast acting like ativan that will stop panic attacks before they begin? I realized I could feel the start coming. My Dr. gave me the lowest dose and I believe the speed with which it acts really helped me stop the anxiety. 

Someone told me they are addictive but as I only take medicine when I need it, that wasn't a problem for me.