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Give and get support around quitting


Help me !!!

Day 7 and I’ve been good all day. Had a few cravings but kept myself distracted . 

Went for an 8 mile hike and now I’m home in tears . 

I met a woman there and we started chatting and I mentioned I was trying to keep myself very busy because I just quit smoking a week ago . 

She said “ I quit 3 years ago and gained 50 lbs “

i just assumed maybe she wasn’t careful but she she said she got hypothyroidism after she quit and that caused the weight . 

She said everyone she knows who quit also has hypothyroidism or some adrenal problem where they gained a ton of weight and feel worse . 

Im totally freaking out . I’ve had to take Xanax and lay down because I was so panic stricken . 

Is this true? 

I know I read a few people on here have the thyroid problem but is it prevalent with almost everyone ? 

I assumed the thyroid meds would adjust the levels and weight would go back to normal . She said the meds are hard the mind and made her foggy , anxious and suicidal . 

She said it’s been so bad on a few of her friends they are back smoking !!!

i need to know about this so I can prepare mentally and get my thyroid checked right away if I feel off or start piling on the weight .

This is not news I wanted to hear , friends . 

Plesee me shes being dramatic 

24 Replies

Sorry that you felt what I was trying to make light of a situation insulting and it wasn't directed to you unless you were the lady she encountered.  Everything is not always so serious especially when you are talking to someone who takes on every issue as if it is or thinks it is going to happen to them or affects them personally.   I am very sorry that you have a thyroid problem. That is your journey. Everybody that quit smoking does get not sick or gained a lot of weight.  We can not diagnose someones medical condition via internet smoking cessation website




Please don't panic. Do your research, speak to your own doctor, prepare yourself for a slightly lower metabolism. 

I was told by my doctor that hypothyroid is quite common as we age and easily remedied. 


A WISE Elder Once told me "Don't Borrow Trouble"


Have your thyroid checked and remember that you are a winner seven days smober!!!

0 Kudos

Congratulations on your quit and on your activity.  I did not gain weight after I quit, at least not much, I still wear the same size clothes, I have had my thyroid checked many times because I am tired all the time and thyroid issues run in my family.  Two daughters, a brother, a sister, and my mother...all have had hypothyroidism.  One of those people smoked and did develop hypothyroid after quitting.  I have no idea how it is connected but if you are worried, by all means, talk to your doctor, get a baseline thyroid measurement now and then again if you are having symptoms, including fatigue, dry skin, hair loss...there are lots of them.

We are all here to support you,if EVERYONE this woman knew developed hypothyroidism and went back to smoking...did that CURE them?  Just asking as someone who has pretty advanced COPD, I wouldn't wish on anyone.



Thank you . I’m much better today emotionally . I realize I’m a bit crazed over weight and health issues . 

Day 8 and no weight gain . Doing my 10 mile hike and a. 30 min YouTube aerobic class at home . 

Cravings not bad , at least not physical ones . The emotional ones are harder . I’m staying busy tonight by organizing and clearing out closets . 

Thsbk you for the reassurance . 


WOW, I am impressed, you might gain some MUSCLE!  Good for you.



WELCOME and GOOD JOB STAYING NICOTINE FREE! Yahoooooo - WAY TO GO. Thanks for sharing your worries of YOUR fears of becoming obese in YOUR OWN non smoker life style and no worries- everyone is different in bodies-  in recovery from nicotine and EACH HUMAN is different!  The woman YOU spoke with is NOT God nor is she EVERY HUMAN BEING -  just asking - if YOU ASK your doctor for information for a support group or PROFESSIONAL therapist for YOUR mental and emotional well being- maybe the doctor WHO gave YOU Xanax would have a professional therapist YOU can speak with- please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you.   WE are RECOVERING NICOTINE ADDICTS- NOT PROFESSIONALS THERAPISTS - maybe a support group for eating disorders might HELP YOU to make peace with how YOU eat -  CHOICES are yours to make and what you eat- YOUR FREE WILL- WE all have to choose- to NOT use drug NICOTINE - to NOT eat junk food- to NOT exercise- this is RECOVERY from NICOTINE site - maybe there is a RECOVERY site for eating disorders- USING YOUR FREE WILL CHOICE - TO USE YOUR DRUG OF NICOTINE - consequences is cancer NOT STAYING thin- please get HELP for your eating disorders from a PROFESSIONAL- thank you so much- take care of YOU- education is the key- gentle hug.


Thanks . I see a therapist every week . Wasn’t aware the weight issue would come up on me so quickly . I didn’t plan my quit . Just really was tired of smoking , hate the way it smelled , was anxious about how much potential harm it was doing to me and just threw out my last pack of smokes and decided that was it . 

Day 8 and I’m not gonna smoke . No matter what . It’s not even a thought . I hate to fail at anything . I’m sure not gonna fail again at quitting like I did when I was in my 20s 

thabk you for your encouragement