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Give and get support around quitting


Hello. On day 13...again. Tired of quitting and going back to smoking

Don’t know about anyone else here, but I’m tired of quitting and going back to smoking. I’m 13 days clean this time around.


I’ve quit smoking for at least a few weeks about 10 times or so. It gets really frustrating.


In the meantime, I’m planning on success this time. I’ve started running, cycling and martial arts again.    



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11 Respuestas


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The most important thing is that we never stop quitting!  It's rough, boy is it..... but it's in our best interest for so many reasons.  13 days is a milestone, keep 'em coming..... I'm on day 7 ..... day 13 seems far out, but I'll get there, one day at a time.  Stay strong man....

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congratulations. I'm officially 18 minutes into day one, but i , too, am also tired of all the relapses. I'm glad I I found ex, and am looking forward to all the help and advice on staying an ex. You can make it through day 14 🙂

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pseudotodd and cwood9999, I'm with you guys. In the end, our battle is all in our brains. I celebrated starting day 14 this morning by doing things I enjoy, meditating, jogging, reading. Find your passions and celebrate every milestone with them. We'll get through this together.

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I'm at that stage where I really, really hate not being able to smoke (two weeks in), but I'm enjoying the change in my endurance during workouts and my ability to breathe deeply during yoga. I went hiking the other day, and didn't stop to ask myself whether I could make it up the hill without considerable panting and discomfort. I went to a historic Reds game last night and didn't miss a beat because I didn't have to sneak away to get my nicotine fix! And yet...not smoking can be so very frustrating. Why? I guess the only thing to do is to focus on the things that I love about smoke-free life, and relearn coping mechanisms for minor and major stressors.

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relapasing sucks. Learn what made you do it, so will be able to break it with trigger, buster , get on blog it out, find some one you can call.. also. I'm picking myself up and i'm going to kee fithing


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ive been quitting for 3   years...but you know what i am so proud of the time that i have in as a nonsmoker... i will not give up....each time it is time in which i am not destroying my lungs... who knows maybe thats why im still alive..

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Congratulations, keep it the same way . I am totally agree with you about quitting and going back on smoking, it's a ridiculous thing, very frustrating.I have done it more than 10 times for the last 6 months. Physical activity seems to be the best replacement of nicotine for me, but after a meal the cravings are severe. Looking at your watch and wait for 10 min by the time the craving occur works for me as well. But at the end of the day , our brain is the best tool that we can use to quit. Good job Paddy , wish you success.

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