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Give and get support around quitting


Hello I am a quitter, again

I quit last Saturday night 9/20. I decided to quit on 9/19 when I went to bed.

I went to the store the next day and bought those patches. Saturday night I went to be and put one on.

Sunday is a big day, our family is bid into Football and we always have company. Some smoke some don't. I last until 2pm on Sunday before I cheated. I had 3 ciggies that day.

Monday I cheated again had 2

Tues and Wed I cheated again with 2.

Thursday, I made it through the day with no cheats! Woo Hoo!

Today I haven't smoked. I know this is all in my mind. It is a terrible battle to fight, but I know I will make it. I saw a commercial about this site and I thought I have to go there, they can help me!

BTW I quit smoking and made it 13 years before I was out one night and decided 1 cig wouldn't hurt me, it did. i went on to smoke for 4 years till now when I have decided to go through this journey yet again.

Woo this probably makes no sense what so ever, but it sure feels good to post it!!!!
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17 Replies

Sounds to me like we have the same triggers. I scream. Alot. I go out to the garage and yell. I throw things if need be. My friend Jodi has a punching bag and that seems to do the trick. I believe in ya hun. E me if you need anything.
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Last night we went to a outdoor concert Santana. Great concert, BUT everyone was smoking. I had called ahead of time to see what the smoking policy was and they said designated smoking areas only. I figured I would just stay away from them.

Well last night was my first real test, I passed by the way 🙂 I was pretty bitchy and almost broke down, but I called my best friend and she talked me through it. I wanted to put another patch on LOL

Woo Hoo day 4 today of no ciggies!
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Tammy, it makes perfect sense to me. I went through this same "mind" game until i finally decided to quit this time. Stay strong and read the many osts and the profiles of a all the people here that are going or have gone through this quit smoking thingy we are doing TOGETHER!!! Let's support each other.
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I am still hanging in there, today is day 7 🙂

Thanks for all the support!!!!
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That is usually what got me back to smoking, too! The couple of arguments we got into since I stopped smoking this time, i decided to take those 5 minutes that I would have spent smoking to lay down somewhere. I worked! : )
My husband, at first was annoyed with me for laying down, and I simply told him that "it equals the cigarette" He is a smoker, so he understood. hope that helps a little
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I am totally new to all this - I saw the ad on t.v. and thought I would check it out. You're right - reading everyoneas stories does help. I haven't actually quit yet or even picked a date but I think I am definatwly working up to it!
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keep up the good fight...thirteen days and counting!!!!!!
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Hi Tammy -
I soooo understand that journey! -- I quit for 10 years, was a happy, healthy, contented non-smoker and thought I would never smoke again for the rest of my life. Then, while my brother was dieing from cancer (from smoking) I was so sad and stressed, I thought I could smoke with my sister-in-law and then quit again easily. Oh, what a foolish idea!! I smoked for three years until now. We do have an advantage over those who have never known a successful quit before:
1) we know we are capable of doing this. After all, we did it once before.
2) we know that what they tell us is true, that it gets better, the craves do go away with time.
3) we know that life as a non-smoker is not the barren, disconnected feeling that we may have right now and that the addiciton tries to tell us will last forever.
4) we know from personal experience that life as a non-smoker is cleaner, more free, more fragrant, more energetic.
5) we know now that when they tell us "you can't have just one" it is soooo true. As someone said elsewhere on this site, "they don't come in singles, they come in packs" . . . and cartons, and cases of cartons, and days, weeks, months and, yes, years of butts, ashes, bad smells, stained teeth, coughs, wheezes and feelings of discouragement and disappointment.
Please get your feet back under you. You can do this, and best of all, you know you can because you have done it before. I'm just a few steps ahead of you. Today is 2 weeks for me! We are wiser for this painful lapse of three or four years. We can use this wisdom to get ourselves through this.
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