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Give and get support around quitting


Hello Everyone!

Well, I am on day 23 of Chantix and I won't say it's been easy but certainly nowhere near as tough as the last eighty times I tried to quit. I really feel like it might work this time! I signed on to this site to talk to some real people about quitting smoking - anyone who's signed up for the Chantix support progam and gets the automated voice phone call every day knows what I'm talking about! But it does feel good to be able to say 'no, I didn't smoke today' each time they call. Now I just need an energy boost - I know I need to get some exercise but it's hard to find the time and energy. I have not really had any bad side effects with Chantix - some vivid but not really bad dreams, at first I had a lot of indigestion but that seemed to go away when I actually stopped smoking. I would recommend it to anyone!
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