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Give and get support around quitting



Really trying to quit and need all the suport I can get, does anyone out there have any wods for me that will help. I live alone and need some encourgement
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10 Replies

Hi Elizabeth!
Living alone might bring on boredom and those crazy thoughts...I've found that for the first days and weeks try and get out and be with other non-smokers. Even alone time..try to spend that time away from where you used to smoke (expecially home). I go to the bookstores and library and find it so quiet and peaceful. When you have to be home sit in a different room or place than usual and plan out new hobbies. I love scrapbooking now. I never had hobbies before and they really make you feel good about yourself. I'm new here too and there is such wonderful support (another new thing to do). You can do it and you will love the new you!
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What plan do you have?

Cold Trkey?

Nicotine Replacement?

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Hi Elizabeth,
Living alone has its benefits, but it also has it's curses. That is why this site is so invaluable. You need to keep busy, for one. If you don't have any projects that you are behind on, then try picking up a hobby.....a passion, something you always wanted to try, but never did. You can also take brisk walks when you get the cravings. Getting out and breathing the fresh air and looking at different sights will help. I found a great where you can learn meditation which will help you to focus and relax. Write on here often......rant, rave, get your frustrations out. Write in a journal, if not on here, in your own private one. Take up Tai Chi or Yoga. They both help you to concentrate, relax and generally feel better. Educate yourself all you can about this addiction. is another good one to learn about your addictive behaviors. Take up bike riding, hiking, anything to ge tthe energy out and to take your mind off the cigarettes. Learn a new language......I got tapes and learned while in the car. Keep going.....YOU CAN DO THIS!! It's not easy but it is DOABLE! Warm Smiles and Huggs to You!!
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Sometimes I say to myself that I am not a smoker and I don't want a cigarette. It helps a little. Having a breath mint and a spritz of a scent that I like helps me to remember how good I smell! Patti
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Thanks everyone I have read and heard everyword you had to say, and I am really trying to get through all this. So far all the replys and encouragements are very helpful it does work.
Trust me I will be writng a lot here and looking for the help.
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Hi Elizabeth,

what are some of the main reasons you can find that are important to you? Career? Future? Family? Find those reasons and make them a priority! I know there are many on this site who can offer their help. Keep your mind busy on activities (i.e. retrain the brain) to respond differently to life's little triggers that make you smoke. It becomes a mental game and the physical aspects of quitting come secondary once your mind leads!

Hope to hear more of your posts and we can help you more closely!

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Hi Elizabeth you already have awesome advice from the others,so the only thing I can add is staying positive is a real helpfull it works wonders
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Hi Elizabeth you already have awesome advice from the others,so the only thing I can add is staying positive is a real helpfull it works wonders
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Hi Elizabeth - Just use this site and any others out there that you can find. There is lots and lots of info out there you can use. I read a book by Allen Carr called How to Quit Smoking the EasyWay. It was incredible. It gave me a whole new perspective on the addiction part and what smoking was actually doing to my body and mind. I've tried to quit several times before but never with the conviction I seem to have this time. I'm on Day 8 so far and I am so happy and grateful. I can breathe deeply already and things smell so much better around here already. Take care and let me know if I can help along this journey. We all help each other.
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