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Give and get support around quitting


Haven’t smoked

Haven’t heard from anyone in a while I was told to log in I hope I’m doing this right. I’m losing focus on how to keep in touch with everyone. Well I still have my cravings everyday but I keep pressing through. I take one day at a time that’s all I can do. Although when I think about smoking I think about the transplant and think if I smoke I won’t get it. So I aks God for help daily. Slowly I’m pulling through. It’s when I eat and drink coffee is the hardest time. But so far I haven’t been smoking. Thanks for all of the support. 

18 Respuestas

Glad to hear from you.  I hope your recovery is going well.  Have a mint ready to pop in mouth immediately after eating or drinking.  You will start looking forward to something else other than a stinking cigarette.  Put the dishes away, get up and move around if you can.  Do what a nonsmoker does.  Think like a nonsmoker, act like a nonsmoker, so you will believe that you are and your struggle will be done.  It is the willingness to let it go and truly will do whatever is necessary.  Embrace the joy of quitting you have not loss anything but some dried up leaves dipped in poison wrapped in white paper and put in a pretty package to make it look good.  Continue on your journey one day at a time.  You have got this.  Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how you are doing.  The journey continues...


Thank you

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 9:52 AM JACKIE1-25-15 <>

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Yes, you're doing this right.  Just reach out and post so we know how you're doing.   Glad your maintaining that quit.  You're coming up on 3 months already.  That's fabulous.  Have you tried switching up where you drink your coffee?  I used to smoke outside, so I took it with me.  Now I drink it while I'm on the Ex in the morning.



Know I still drink it in my living room in my he mornings

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 9:53 AM Barbscloud <>

0 Kudos

Thanks for the update Cameree. Great work staying smoke free as you ready for your lung transplant. Good to hear from you. Keep blogging as often as you like. One day at a time is about all any of us can do.

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You are doing this quit one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time, keep moving forward stacking up those precious DOF so each evening you can say YAY for another Day WON......


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You are doing great...yes, you are doing it right.  When you post, we respond.  I have been thinking about you, wondering how you are doing.  Please change things up when it comes to those times when you crave the most...drink your coffee somewhere else, hold the cup with a different hand, consider switching to green tea for a while.  As far as that after eating trigger, that was one of my biggies too.  I made it a point to have something planned out for after I finished eating, either get up and clean up the kitchen or go directly to EX and start reading.  EX became my addiction and it saved my quit.


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Thank you

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Looking good to me!
