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Give and get support around quitting


Have gained nothing positive

I am almost 6 months into this quit.  I’ve never felt worse in my life.  I feel like an oddity as everyone else is so positive about the changes.  I have no motivation as I have many health-and emotional problems that have been exhaserbated since I started this.  I’ve been reluctant to post again because of replies telling me te suck it up, give up the NRTs, I’m making myself worse and other responses that leave me feeling more isolated.  NRT or not, the nicotine delivery or lack of, I tried dropping them, has altered my medications I take daily and cannot find a harmony with anymore.  I have contacted my doctor and it’s one experiment after another.  I am alone in this with no family or friends.  I was forced into this and while I’ve had plenty of time now to educate myself, I’m still left wondering why I feel so much worse.  I can’t take a walk because of pain.  I can’t think clearly because of that, anxiety and bad sleep.  Just ne ede d to vent a bit.  I’m Glad all of you are experiencing positive results.  Wish I could join you.

55 Respuestas

It sucks for me!  Hi Jen ❤️

prayers sent your way.


I'm so sorry Gwen that you're in so much pain and feel so awlful, I hope and pray that your Dr's will figure out what's wrong and will be able to get you feeling better very soon, I don't know anything about NRTs I'm so glad that you are sticking with your quit journey through all of this I'm proud of you let's pray that you'll be feeling much better very soon .....


If it is any help.  I was not feeling like I was glad I quit smoking at 6 months.  It took longer than that for me.  I smoked a really long time.  I will keep you in my prayers.  Hoping you will find your answers.  I believe they are out there. 


Thank you Barbara145  I was and am feeling I am losing my mind.  It helps SO much to know others have felt this.  I know the other stressors in my life are contributing.  This would be hard enough if it was all I was dealing with, but life isn’t that way.  It is terrible timing tho for mine and my husband being gone.  

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I realize it's been about 6 months but prayer is what gets me through each and every day I don't know what I would do without family friends and my minister, God bless you


I’m glad you have that support and belief Sister5.  That isn’t in my nature but we keep trying as best we can.  

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((((Listening Gwen)))) I have no answers...thoughts out to you ~ Colleen 146 DOF 


Sending prayers and hugs...I do not know the answers.  I don't blame you for feeling frustrated.  I remember feeling that way fairly early in my quit when I read so many blogs written by people who felt so much better after a short period of time.  I did not take my COPD into account and I wanted what THEY had.  I never got that, I had to adapt to what I DO have, I can't go for long walks, I certainly cannot run, I am never going to have the energy I want to have, it takes me two days to recover from working for 6 hours.  I hate that I have been so damaged by my actions, by my addiction.  I know that your issues were not caused by smoking and I know that you have endured great losses, I can only tell you that we care about you and that we all want you to succeed.




Thank you, elvan.  So very much!

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