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Give and get support around quitting


Have any of you been through this? Can you help???

For the past couple of days I have been getting up a very small, small amount of flem. It has been 27 days of not smoking for me today and I was told by a bunch of people that they didnt start spiting things up till a couple to 8 months later!! This morning I woke up feeling like I smoked 10 packs of the strongest cig's around.... My throat is killing me and my chest feels like its going to exsplode!! I'm still only getting up a very small amount of flem... I didnt know I was going to feel like this.... Is this normal? How long will this last??? What can I do to feel better? I feel so crappy..... PLEASE HELP!!
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29 Replies

You feel free to go all medical geek any time you want!!!
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Are you doing any better Sherry? Did you see the doc?

I've quit smoking multiple times in the past and I've always gone through some phlegm stages roughly a week or two weeks after starting, and lasting about a week (at least, a week was the brunt of it). Not to throw too many details out there but my body cleansing issues are usually with the other end... 😉

Just remember that what may feel like hell now is nothing compared to treatments for the big C or, worse, what "the end" could be like after you've permanently thrashed your breathing passages. You're getting HEALTHY, and cheers to that!

5 days now for me on the latest quit and starting to feel the chest tightening so I know I'm in for it again. But I'm hoping being on here helps me keep this time my last time needing to quit. 🙂
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I'm doing great now... thanks!! I never did go to see the Doc, cuz I felt much better the next day!! I have been sick for the past about 4 days and Its all been in my chest and thoat but I just keep telling myself that its just my body trying to get better! Cuz I know it is this time! I'm gettting up lots of crap!! So I'm happy with that~!!! LOL CONGRATS on your quit and keep up the good work!!
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I haven't had that problem but everyone is different. I have had to use the inhaler a couple of times during the night even though I have been quit for 45 days. I think some of it may be because of allergy season. I would consider the doctor if you are not better in a few days. You might have a sinus infection. Hope you feel better. Congrats on your quit - Awesome job!!!!
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Wow I just realized you posted this like 2 weeks ago - I didn't read all the posts - so I hope you are better - boy do I feel stupid!!!! LOL!!!!
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Sherry, it's not happening to me thank God, but I have heard this from other quitters that it's normal. Your body is getting rid of all the junk down in there and that could take a while. Part of it might just be how much we naturally sacrete... not sure. You could check with Dr, but pretty sure you're fine. Sorry you're going through it though. 😞
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Dont feel stupid!!!! Other people who are going through what I went through can read this and learn from it so every answer helps!!! TY!!! Best of luck and keep up the good work with your quit!!
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Hi Sherry- first of all congratulations on 27 days!!! I'm not sure if it is everywhere but there is a bug at my house with these symptoms. Both kids have sore throats and crud in chests. Ironically I am mostly better and they are still sick. But maybe some of what you are experiencing is a bug. I'd say the most important thing you can do is drink plenty of water, which whether it's a bug or detox should help move the crud out. Hang in there.
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Its normal, not everybody's body reacts to quitting the same way. I smoked for 37 years and today i have 12 days clear! Im so excited that im doing it! one day at a time.....ive felt anxious, hyper, i have small amounts of flem coming up, but i think thats a good thing! that means the lungs are starting to clear out and the flem is coming out the body which is good. I dont beleive it matters whether you start to spit up flem in 2 days or 100 days, long as the congestion is breaking up and coming out. anyways, i wish you the best stay strong! dont give up! its o.k. to feel bad, cause if you win youre gonna feel so GOOD! Im eating more, but im going for walks and trying to excercise, oh yea...drinking ice cold water takes away a lot of the withdrawal systems. i wish u the best, toni
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maybe you've caught a cold/flu. Go to the doctor and check it out.
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