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Hard day

Good evening .. today is day 5 for me.. it’s been a little struggle for me this afternoon I got so angry over a situation that I’ve been dealing with for the past 2 1/2 years.. but I’m proud to say I DID NOT SMOKE !! .. I cried and cried .... cigarettes would b my first go to when I’m stressed but not today !! Letting go of something that’s hurting... why would it ever be a struggle? But it is.. I just want to look back a few years from now and this be just a bad memory... but.. one step at a time .... Thabk 

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5 Respuestas

This is all a part of quitting.  Your emotions will be all over the place.  But you did it!   Every time you make it through another experience when you would have smoked, your brain is learning a new way of coping with life.  You're almost through hell week and it's going to look so much better on the other side.  One day at a time.

Make It A Good Day

134 DOF


Hey, yes, we all have those hard days, but like Barb just said...we are now retraining our brains, and it will get easier every single time you make it through....because, as I keep hearing, "The only way out, is through"  !!!

Way to make it through that day!  It truly gets easier as you go!  And when you find you make it through, reach on up over your shoulder, and pat yourself on the back!  You deserve it! 

Sandy 311 DOF


Anger was and still can be a huge trigger for me ! It is easier now after 3 1/2 years quit but I still want to lite up when I am PO'd at my friend /roommate !!! The people we live with really know how to push our buttons ! 

Take deep breathes ,count to 10, think about how you will feel it you lite up that is what I did and each time I was learning new ways to deal with anger and stress . I am so glad I did not choose the cigarette !!!

When I get mad today it is different it is much easier to deal with the fleeting desire for the sickerette ! 

It really does get easier ! You will love your non smoking self  so stick with it !!! 

congrats on your 5 days your new quit!


When we smoked, we never allowed ourselves to resolve any issues, we stuffed our emotions down with the drug, nicotine.  When we quit smoking...those feelings come out and they SEEM incredibly intense because they ARE, we never learned to deal with them gradually, the way nonsmokers did.  Congratulations on managing to get through this smoke free...that is AWESOME.  I lost many quits over anger but once I accepted that smoking did not help did nothing FOR me, only TO me...things got easier.  You WILL be able to look back at this and be really proud of yourself, growing pains are painful but they do need to happen in order to grow.  Keep taking this one step at a time, one experience at a time.  You are doing GREAT.



It will be a memory of successfully handling something really tough - without smoking! Way to go! 

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