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Give and get support around quitting


HELP! I'm so confused!

Hey guys! My name is Stacy. I joined this site a few days ago and I'm so confused! I went to set my quit date and they denied me telling me its too soon. I'm suppose to track my smokes. So do I smoke as I normally do or do I cut back or just smoke when I'm absolutely dying for one or what? Please help me.

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4 Replies

Hi Stacy,

I just joined yesterday as well, and I wanted to quit on the 15th of Feb. and it asked me to quit on the 15th of March instead.  Honestly part of me was YAY! now I can smoke longer, but another part of me really wants to do this so I'm worried that another month and I won't be as excited to quit.  HOWEVER....I think its to track your cigarettes and to help you know what your triggers are, time of day, mood, etc.  So I am going to keep track, and see if that helps.  (I've never tracked them before, so I am anxious to find out why I smoke as much as I do)  Its a new way of looking at things, so I will honestly do each step that they ask me.


Coffee mom

PS...So what is your quit date?

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This site does strongly suggest that you track your cigs in order to prepare and structure your quit which has been shown to be a very effective technique at  cig management and a stop smoking technique. Remember you are in charge of your quit. When I found this site I had already just quit and the site suggested a future quit date. That did not suggest to me that I go back to smoking and then quit again. You must take charge and set your best estimate in your life for your quit and then prepare and standby it. Knowledge and understanding of your addiction is equally important as support for your quit. This site for virtual support. for Info. Your doctor for medical guidance and your significant others for real time support as possible. Absence of one of these will not doom you to failure because the power is within you. Your determination will set your quit date and all of the above will support your strenght to see it through. I have over one month cold turkey at this point and the support has really helped me keep my quit. The most important thing is to stop and NEVER ANOTHER PUFF! Good Luck Both! You both really deserve this quit and the health that comes along. I pray to hear from you often as your quit progresses!

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Hi.  I just signed up.  I have been smoking on and off since I was a teenager and I am 56 years old.  I can't stand myself for smoking.  I am a sneak smoker, too!  I can go all day at work, but once I get home, I start puffing like mad.  I want to live and live long!


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This is how I used the tracker. For the first 3 days I wrote down everytime I smoked. Make sure you record the time, how you're feeling, and what you're doing. You should notice patterns to your smoking. I smoke more in the mornings with coffee and when I'm bored or driving. (btw my quit date is 01/23) Then I started using the separation excersises to ween myself off some of the smokes. So far it's worked. I still track and I started 3 wks ago.

Use a method that's right for you. After all it's your quit. We're all here for each other.

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