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Give and get support around quitting



For so long, I've been unhappy with you in my life, but I've kept coming back to you again and again, the very definition of insanity. You've distracted me from my family and from living my life in freedom from your disgusting chains. You've exhausted me with your relentless demands on my time, money,'re always there beckoning, a fake stress reliever and promiser of relaxation, but I always need more and more and I'm never really satisfied with your offerings. In fact, I've never been so anxious as I am with you in my  life. My lungs hurt to breathe sometimes. A lot of times. There is nothing I'm getting from this relationship, it is truly pointless and I know in the end it will be the death of me. I've got better hopes for my death than what your end is. It is time to say goodbye, for me to move on. You've stolen precious time from me...years I can't get back. You are a vapor, here one second, gone the next, a useless chemical, ravaging every cell in my body. Right now a song is looping through my mind, 'you're no good, you're no good, you're no good, baby you're no good'. And you aren't. I know you'll try to come back, and I will resist you. I have more power than you and more than you ever thought I did. I don't need you. Get out of my life. 

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Hello!  I am currently reading Allen Carr’s book (as another has mentioned).  I am actually listening to it as an audio book which although I can’t highlight the heck out of it feels good to hear another human voice talking about this subject of quitting and gaining freedom.  Some nights I listen to it as I go to sleep.  It is very good. What you have very well said echos in the book.  Here are some quotes from the book I felt hit home...

“I want to end this filthy disgusting addiction that’s ruining my health and wealth, depriving me of my freedom, that’s causing distress to my friends and family. Even more, I want to stop because of purely selfish reasons; I will enjoy life so much more.”

“The true reason why any smoker continues to smoke is to end the empty and insecure feeling that the previous cigarette created. You don’t become addicted to nicotine because you smoke, you smoke because you’ve become addicted to nicotine. The next cigarette relieves what the previous one does.”.

“In reality, I enjoy only 2 of the 20 I smoke…habitual and brainwashed by false promises of its benefits;

Helps me deal with stress

Smoking keeps me from gaining weight
Raises my serotonin for depression
Causes me to pause to cope with a feeling I’m overwhelmed by
Enjoy with a coffee or glass of wine or after a meal
Attracted to packaging and look of cool wind resistant lighter”

“The smoker is permanently “hungry” for a cigarette or nicotine because it will never be satisfied by just one and the manufacturers scientifically know this.”

Lastly, “Tobacco never got rid of any of these stresses anyway. Not once. Not ever. Tobacco never made the next bus come sooner.”. Ha!

I wish you much success and happiness.  I will share more revelations as I continue...


Excellent Goodbye letter... How is it going today? Make Day 1, Day Won...Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen 317 DOF 


Thank you so much!


Thank you!  Well, I hurt my back pretty much first thing yesterday and haven't been able to get up much...blessing in disguise?  That's how I'm looking at no better, so I'm stuck on couch and can't move...:(


Hedy1989 I hurt for you...but I get the blessing in disguise...I have been dealing with lower back pain off / on since August...and it sure to take care of yourself....~ Colleen