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Give and get support around quitting


Getting ready to quit for good

I'm 27 years old and have been smoking since I was about 14. I've quit more times that I can remember using a few different methods (cold turkey, gum, patch) and stil haven't been successful. I don't want to use the medications because the side effects freak me out too much. I signed up on this site awhile ago but never got involved on it so I'm going to try again but this time I want to actually use this as a source of support. My quit date is set for March 1st so I have plenty of time to get ready, but I might go for sooner . . . we'll see. I know my triggers are drinking, friends, boredom, and driving. Now I want to work on my list of reasons to quit smoking and so far I've got money and improving/getting rid of health issues but I'm sure that list will get bigger 😉

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2 Replies

Today is my first day without cigarettes.  I'm involved in a smoking ceassation class at the Veterans Hospital I'm seen at.  I'm on the patch and have lozenges also.  I truly want to quit; Not only for my wife but for myself, too.  I know I can quit because I quit cold turkey in the past but it didn't last (about one month). 

There is so much I could do with the money I use to spend on cigarettes, besides I want to improve my health.

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Well I've been on another site but thought check here & she if I can keep my quit this time before I have another heart attack!

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