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Give and get support around quitting


General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Respuestas

I will not smoke today, NOPE

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Hang in and message anyone you see. We all will talk you through it. It is not easy & I don't intend to tell you that it is. It is an every day struggle. I just know that reading what to expect during my quit has helped a lot. Finding friends or even just reading other peoples' posts have helped a great deal as well. 

Pray & get on bended knee when you feel like giving up. God hears your cries and dries your tears. No one can take the quit from you but you. 

Hugs to you all. 


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committing another 24 to being smoke free

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I pledge to have another smoke free weekend - 72 full hours

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Is this group still active?  Looking for one to join, my Quit date is Aug. 28, 20014.



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Well, I am so sorry for having been gone for some time.....I am still a quitter & a strong one at that!!!!!!!

I have had some issues with family lately that has really has taken a toll on me & I am learning how to live my life without smoking. It is not an easy task. It was comfortable where I was, so now it is not. Teaching your brain to rethink the way it carries on is not easy; however, it can be done.


Not easy when it seems like your world around you is crashing down....Kneel down when you cannot stand is the best way to get through this. I been crying my brains out for weeks now & I am so upset that I am taking everything so personal. Well, like I have said the whole time I been here, we are newborns in our quit. This being said, we have not experienced this lifestyle since we were young so it is going to take time to get used to.


Don't expect yourself to be free today or tomorrow. It take MONTHS and YEARS. WHAT????!!!!! I have to say this honestly.....this is not an addition that is over & done the second you drop the habit. This habit stole our brain & rewired it to the point we have to try to reprogram it. We have to relearn, rethink, and reform the way we been living for not only a couple of years but for many. So it is not reasonable to think that we will be fixed at the drop of the hat. 


We will be mental & emotional wrecks at times. Some may think we are needing medication or need to grow up. This is very difficult to swallow I am sure, but don't let that ruin you or your drive to make this disappear. YOU CAN DO IT. Talk with your doctor or speak to a therapist if you need to, just NEVER be ashamed for stepping up and asking for help. You will cry & it may be many. It seems like with a quit that EVERY issue is huge....just learn to.....


Breathe and count as high as you need. Take time outs for yourself & know that you are being accountable for your behavior. It is a mental struggle everyday & it is very tiring to deal with on a daily basis. It is alright to lash out if you do it maturely. 


Write your feelings down & come up with 5 possitive things that happened today, every day. This will help with keeping your feelings in check & learning of ways to cope with them. Communicate actively with your relatives when you need to and always ask questions. 

LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It will work for you too. Just NEVER GIVE IN 



still here and smoke free 92 days

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Hi all, I am Natalie. My boyfriend and I had our last cigarette yesterday. He had been thinking of quitting for a little while, while letting me know this Saturday evening. He had time to mentally prepare for his quitting day, I only had a few hours. I figure I would do it with him so he had support through it, and I would have support, and my daughter would have a healthier mommy. Never had anyone willing to quit. Now I do, so it was time. I went out yesterday, after my final cigarette, and picked up Step 1 nicotine patches. I have been smoke free for 20 hours now. I have had my cravings over the past few hours. I have had my irritable moments. I am super hungry, which is pretty cool for someone extremely underweight. I am sleepy mainly because I had a lot of vivid dreams, which were not good, last night. Hoping that tonight's sleep is a lot better.

I have been doing a lot of thinking today on how both my boyfriend and I can celebrate our achievements. I figure for our 24 hour achievement I make our favorite meal. Our 1 week without smoking we go out and do something special. Same for the 1 month mark. Our six month mark, I think we should take a little getaway. Our one year a vacation. Something fun to show each other that without our support we coudln't make it through.

I sat down with my daughter today and told her that I was not going to have anymore cigarettes. She looked at me and said "Mommy I am proud you no more smoking." That made me feel real good. Now not only and I making myself healthier, but my daughter as well. She will not have to smell the aftermath of a lit cigarette.

So far I am doing well. It is difficult but I am doing very well. As I said earlier, I have my cravings. It would be so easy for me to put shoes on and head to the store at the corner, and buy a pack of cigarettes. Woudn't take any time at all. I just look at it like this "Do I really want to go out in 105 degree weather just for a pack of cigarettes, or do I want to sit in a nice air conditioned home and suffer." I choose to suffer through the cravings.


Hi  Everyone,

I am indian. i smoke 15 Cigarattes a day. it is very diffcult to quit. I am going to follow this Website Program Sincerely. My Quit date is 09/07/2014. Let us hope now it goesaway for ever.


Hello everyone. I am going on day 3 without smoking. i have been using chantix, and it has been working real real. But i know I need more than a pill to keep me on track and I need people and freinds who have been right where I am now. Still fighting urges but i am not going to give up No Matter What!!!!