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Give and get support around quitting


General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Respuestas

My quit day is tomorrow. This quit will stick! I have quitso many times before, I'm a expert quitter, but I always used cigarettes as a crutch, if I was stressed, mad, depressed, etc. I always reached for a cigarette. And you know what??? That cigarette NEVER made the situation any better.

I've been taking Chantix and it really helps, but I am more bull headed about this quit, I am going to treat it just like I did when I went back to school 2years ago at the age of 42. I told myself if I am going to do this, I AM GOING TO BE A STRAIGHT A STUDENT. and graduated with a 4.0, Highest Honorsin Medical Billing and Coding.

With the proper mindset you CAN do anything!!

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I'm a cancer survivor of 5 years and still can't quit.I can't afford to try aids that might not work.Is there any help for me by companys that sell the aids?

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So what should we talk about today? I have been reading  Allen Carr's book Easy Way to Quit Smoking three times and I have learned alot from it. I'm now reading Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Quit Smoking with Francesca Cesati and I'm learning alot from that book as well. Those books along with prayer is keeping me from prayer is keeping me and these quit smoking cites is keeping me from touching another cigarette. I love my new life as a non smoker and I will not change it for the world. I hope that you all feel the same way that I do.

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Well quit date is nov. first. Going through some ups and downs with cutting down. Man sometimes I just want to scream and only cut down!!! I think each state has its own organization that helps with quitting may have rtf o be on some special insurance.

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I guess u are like me I stopped10-6 - 13 I am going to do this cold turkey by 11-2-13.
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I am quitting tomorrow. I have quit 20 + times in the past and gone right back to smoking again. My reason for quitting this time, though, is not for me. I just got through watching my service animal die of cancer and am making the vow that my other 2 cats will never have to breathe in secondhand smoke again. I am 50 years old, have 2 grown children that are now smoking themselves, and a roommate that went back to smoking as well. Every time the urge to smoke gets really strong, I look at my kitten and adult cat. They are so innocent, I hate to smoke around them. So I pop a piece of nicotine gum and pray that I can get through the next 3 minutes.

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I have been separating coffee from smoking for years now, but when it comes to drinking a soda I have to have a smoke.

That is going to change today.

Good luck Kathy.

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I was an x-smoker for more than 25 years and then met up with a  man and his friends who all smoked so I picked it up again.  The dumbest thing I've ever done.  I have since dumped all the smokers and am working on stopping again.  I seem to be able to justify a smoke when the craving gets really tough.  How do I get past the cravings and justification?  I truly want to quit but my will power is not as strong as it was 25 years ago.  Please help!!!!

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Welcome to the fear drop off depot. Here you can drop off your fear and leave them or return for them later if you choose. It's up to you.

There is no charge or requirements. It's free and open to all!

This is also a place where you can offer suggestions for dealing with a fear you've had.

Sometimes, fear is big and huge and scary. Sometimes, it is little and wriggling and comfortable. Either way, we need to deal with our fear when it comes to not smoking and here is a place where you can frop them off, get suggestions about dealing with them, drop off how you dealt with a fear of your own, or suggest things for others to do to deal with a fear they have.

Whatever your here for, please be open to new ideas. You never know what will work till you try it!!!

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Let the Brightness of Your Confidence Shine through the Fog of Your Fear !!






keep calm and carry on



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