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Frustrating Day & Fighting The Urge

It has been a frustrating day. I seem to have a bad case of the 'sadim hcuot', a self-claimed coin of a phrase (a hint: it's the 'midas touch' backwards). I've been awake since 3 a.m. since my brain was on fast forward but the body was on WTF why am I up.  Many things I've tried to do today couldn't be done due to lack of supplies I thought I had, everyone here is sick, it's been raining all day too.  I'm late getting Christmas stuff going and when I went to write Christmas cards the box of 16 contained 6 that were fine and 10 that the message inside wasn't printed correctly and was barely readable! I've been in a pi$$y mood and even want to throw stuff!  My brain has been screaming at me to smoke.  The rest of me is telling my brain to shut up, it's just because I used to handle stress by smoking but now I don't and I just have to find another way to deal with it.  I'm relying on the good lord and all of you that gave me the greatest advice when I first started this journey.  No amount of anger or depression is helped in any way by putting a nasty cigarette in my mouth. It will just add to the anger because I messed up, make me more depressed because I felt lost and gave up the fight, and smoking is not my friend nor my comfort blanket, it wants my soul.  It is evil in the guise of relief. Why after 52 days am I trying to find a reason to go back?  Is it just a part of NML?  I cannot give in to the demon and I took the pledge that I wouldn't smoke today no matter what.  I am N.O.P.E-ing my little heart out today.  I will make this day a learning experience so I can look back and see that I didn't break down today so I can make it through the next one better.  Please send prayers for me to succeed in the battle for my freedom from the monster of smoking.  I'm working this quit but hanging on a few threads on the rope today. "NOPE Julie, NOPE Julie, NOPE Julie..."!

52 Days Without the Devil!!  Please help me make it to 53.  Thank you my friends.

24 Replies

OMG Giulia  I have seen that video before, I can't stop seeing now!  It is really too funny!  Bahahaha!


two of my 4 cats had grown up with dogs but 2 were adopted after my dogs died so the barking would probably freak them out.  Those 2 run when my husband plays around with his military drill instructor voice! he wasn't one but 3 months in bootcamp gave him plenty of time to learn it


Julie, You are doing GREAT...go ahead...THROW things if you need to, just make sure that they aren't going to make you feel worse...throw the LAUNDRY, can't hurt anything THAT way, I LOVE Giulia‌'s suggestion to bark, LOL, that might be the funniest thing I have ever heard.  Things WILL get better...I panicked when I thought I was missing spices I needed to bake...thought I might lose my mind...fortunately, I found the spices before I lost the mind.  I wore myself out with my panic attack and didn't start the baking for another day so I put MORE pressure on myself.

You are SO RIGHT that smoking would not help with anything...keep thinking that way.




I had the same thing.  I was at 60 dof and I let NML get me and here I am!  Don't cave, it is testing you.  You will regret picking up that smoke.  I am starting from square one again.  I strayed from this site and realized that I need the support here to keep going.  YOU CAN DO THIS!



Congrats on your day WON!  You can do it! Won day at a time!