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Give and get support around quitting


Fourth Day

Hi, my name is Celina and my quit date was Monday, 3/31/08. I picked my quit date over a week ago, and reduce my cigarette intake for a week prior to my quit date. I did not know anything about this site until I saw it advertised on tv in the last few days, after I had already stopped smoking, so I just thought that I would come to the site anyway, join it, listen to all of the good stuff and modify my plans for getting through this. I decided to use the nicotine gum and I am using it as I speak. I find that I am using the gum sometime more than others, but not as much as I was smoking. I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks, and if my cravings do not subside more, I will possible try some non-nicotine product. Anyway, I get a lot of exercise on my treadmill and find that when I feel an urge to smoke, many times I will get on my treadmill until the edged has subsided. It is suggested that I used this gum for at least 12 weeks, so I have a calendar that I am following. Any suggestions on other things that I can do?
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4 Replies

My quit date was March 7th. I picked that day because 16 years ago on that date my father died of cancer. I will always remember this date and why not try and quit again. My oldest son tried to commit suicide in October 2007 and didnt succeed but it caused a lot of anxiety and stress in my life. Needless to say my doctor put me on wellbutrin for depression and anxiety. It has also curbed my craving for cigarettes. It is the best feeling to be cigarette free. Everything around me including myself smells better. The car, my hands, my hair and I smell the soap I used in the shower that night. And I'm sure my husband likes kissing me instead of a "dirty ashtray". Good luck to all but if I had to choose between chantix (tried) and wellbutrin (zyban).....pick the wellbutrin. No side effects at all
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Celina congrats on being an Ex. My quit day isn't for a few more days. I am getting very nervous. but after reading what you have written it has calmed my nerves and I'm looking forward to my quit date in hopes I will be as successful as you have been. Do you mind me asking....are you still smoke free. I sure hope you are.
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You sound very organized and wonderful. I am taking the COMMIT logenzes....they work well. I have been smoke free for 9 weeks. except three slip ups...i don't feel guilty....I am CHOOSING To no smoke. that works for me..
I would have already smoked 630 cigarettes had i not chosen to not smoke. that is pretty awful. think about that. i did not put 630 nicotine crap in my body. that is so wonderful... WORDS work for me. what you say is so powerful and you are saying all the right stuff. You go girl.
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if you find the gum getting monotonous and old, try using the commit lozenge, it works great! Also have heard that st. john's wort is a natural relaxer as well as green tea. Great job and good luck
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