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Follow up on New Doctor

I had promised to keep you all posted once I see the results from my latest labs ordered by the new Naturopathic Dr. Judy.

We reviewed them today: it would have been so easy for any of the Dr's (including the Dr in ER) if only they cared at the time.  My thyroid is almost "absent" meaning the level of hormones is next to nothing: and that causes all my symptoms: muscle spasms and destruction, muscle pain and limitations, water retention (including double vision from watery eyes), in my limbs, face, all over, difficulty speaking, breathing, low heart rate, and all kind of other off values in my blood.

Today she gave me another IV (to flush toxins), Calcium, Vitamins B, and D (I was lacking this last one was almost zero), and I am slowly increasing the natural thyroid hormone I am taking.  I am doing it gradually so we won't cause a shock to my system (after all I have been in shock for lack of hormone, I don't really want too much now). She also ordered a Thyroid ultrasound and I was so lucky as to be able to have it today.

Concentrating on getting better for now, and trying to respond to the demands of my job while still pretty sluggish in my head and body.

There will be a time when I will think back to what has been done to me by some of the medical "professionals" and will have to come to terms somehow with that.

Thank you all for your support and faith, and prayers, and I know they all helped me get where I am today!

Love you my friends, have a good night!

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9 Respuestas

Wow, you certainly have alot on your plate and ugh sometimes with the Dr's because they without thinking can do more than good, I know from experience in my own health but hopefully now you'll start feeling better, hugs to you and yay for you and your precious quit Daniela2016


hope it all gets straight for you....i have had thyroid issues, and its been a helluva mess....has caused many problems, wishing you the best 


Best of everything to you Daniela.  Hope this is the answer for your healing and recovery....


I now that you are relieved to be getting answers.  I hope your health continues to improve!

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I'm so glad to hear that your new doctor is figuring this out and you are on your way to feeling better!  I will continue to send prayers until you are 100% my sweet friend!

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Great news. Sending healing thoughts and prayers. 


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Just wanted to drop a Thank you for all your support, as I expect a very busy day at work, and not too much time to contribute here.

Your kind encouragements mean a lot to me as I am traversing a very challenging period for my health.  So challenging that I felt my life might end during one of those series of cramps happening all at the same time, with no breaks to catch my breath, and the feeling my heart will soon give up from the pain. But I made it, and expect everything to only get better from here, and coming to this place, and find your sweet words, and prayers was a balm on my hurt body and soul.

Thank you all so much, God bless you for being here for me!


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SO happy you finally found a competent diagnostician!  Just goes to show us we need to keep trying when we don't seem to be getting a competent answer!

SOOOO happy to hear this!

May you continue to feel better each day!


You will only get better now! The worst is behind you. I am so happy for you!
