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Give and get support around quitting

First day. About me. Wish me luck offer advice

Posting here instead of smoking. On day one 18 hrs although a lot of those hours I was sleeping. I smoked cigs when I was younger. I got sober from drugs alcohol but still smoked not a ton a stopped because I wanted to have kids. When my youngest was 1 my husband bought me a vape (that jerk lol). I have used that so much the past 3 year. I told myself i would only smoke it for one year and quit on my oldest birthday because i didn’t want him to remember it. I lasted 2 weeks. And started again. Every day i feel shitty because i know i don’t want to be doing it but it’s the only thing i have to take the edge off of life. I also am a yoga teacher for 15 years and hate how i have this bad habit. It’s time. I am tired of feeling crappy for doing this to myself. I teach a yoga retreat out of the country in less then 3 weeks and don’t want to be vaping. It was really helpful when I got sober 8 years ago to have a community so I am hoping having you all will help. My husband is not an addict at all he vaped with me these three years but not a ton and a few months ago said I think i am going to stop and just like that he was done. That’s not me. I get so addicted to things. This is my last real addiction. I want to live addiction free. I am starting with switching to nicotine gum 2mg.  Hoping that kind of curbs it. Thanks for being here. What day of stopping did you find the hardest? 

44 Replies

Welcome to "luck" involved but JACKIE1-25-15‌ is right that education is a huge factor.  Recovery is one day at a time and when that's too long...make it one hour or one minute and remember that we are here.  It does get easier. 


Thank you. 

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Wonderful advice! I'm using your advice right now! -  "Recovery is one day at a time and when that's too long...make it one hour or one minute" elvanJACKIE1-25-15Tapas_butterfly22


Ann007‌ Some times, it has to be one FEELING at a time, one EMOTION at a time because we can easily feel overwhelmed.



I agree with all the wise people here that luck has nothing to do with it, but sometimes we just need to hear that as an extra boost.  So I do wish you luck.  Luck can be the support you find here and the wonderful people to help.  


The first step is to really want this and to be willing to do anything to be successful. You need to stay out of your head. Don’t think of your quit as negative. You are not asking yourself to give up anything that is of any benefit to you. Yoga is such a powerful thing you do but then you bring yourself down the moment you vape.  You are missing out on the whole authentic part.....  You need to draw from your yoga to deal with any crazies you experience. You have the tools needed, use them.

I also had a drinking problem. I walked away from alcohol and drugs 14 years ago. I am also an addictive personality. I smoked for 37 years and quit cold turkey 9 months ago. Yes there were times that it would have been easier to just smoke but I refuse to fail and I was not going to let myself down. Suck it up and be tough. It really isn’t as difficult as your addictive mind is telling you. You have already accomplished so much and you should be so proud. You are so capable of doing this. 

Make yourself proud and be amazing!



Whoo Hoo...Day 1 is Day won...and sorry I meant 18 hours...sometimes this auto corrects what I normally write...

On to Day 2 .. Hang in there, keep busy and drink lots of water...~ Colleen 297 DOF 

Thank you day one was won. I am feeling really good. Here is to day two!


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Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first day nicotine free.  The first day of you journey is over, so onward to success.  Reach out if you need support along the way.   We're here to cheer you on.
