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First Day Quitting

Today I attempt to quit smoking. I chose this date because its the day after my brothers birthday and I knew that talking on the phone with him yesterday would be hard without smoking. I've been on Wellbutrin for almost 3 weeks in preparation for this. I might also try the patch as well if I am having too hard of a time, but I think my doctor can only prescribe one cessation tool at a time, not sure. I've tried to quit cold turkey several times and have quit for up to 3 years at a time at certain points. I am 37 and started smoking at 15. The last two times I tried to quit it felt like I had a nervous breakdown after about a week or so, just losing it and crying uncontrollably, so I've been afraid to try again since then because I think to myself, I can't afford a breakdown right now. I'm in school so I need to be able to focus and I already struggle with that because I have ADHD as well. I have heard it can be extra hard for ADHD people to quit. That has been a major problem for me quitting in the past, I just zone out, forget details, lose track of time.... I'm so ready to quit. Every day I wake up berating myself for smoking and then go out to have one. I don't want my clothes and hair to smell like cigarettes anymore, I want my mouth not to be dry, I want to enjoy drinking water again. I want to stop thinking about my habit! Today I have a therapy apt. and then I need to catch up on a lot of homework. When I make my weekly journey to the store I will be treating myself to beverages I like, like kombucha, or coconut water, I'll get some gum, and mints as well. My friend sent me a pocket going kind of like a worry stone, it says "your quit, your way". I will carry that in my pocket and think about how they are rooting for me. Thanks for reading! I guess, if anyone has tips on quitting with ADHD or just little things that have helped, let me know. 

Thanks, Alisyn

22 Replies

How is today going Alisyn ? Let us know if we can help...Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen 


Thanks Colleen. Today felt much more manageable than the last two. I tried out a new morning routine with my coffee, a 5 minute mindfulness meditation. It helped me focus on my intentions and preview obstacles for the day and think about how I would react. I was also able to exercise a little. I just need to take it day by day. Thank you for thinking of me  Almost through day 3! Around 60 cigarettes not smoked!

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Happy to hear it's going well.  Changing up those routines really helps with our quit.  Keep moving forward.
