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Fear Factor

Remember that crazy show? The contestants did the weirdest things and ate some of the most awful things. Why??? Because they wanted to prove that fear was not a factor for them and the winner got 50 grand! Kind of in the same lines of quitting smoking. Only the winner is you and what you get is worth alot more than 50 grand! You get to live longer! You get to smell good! You get the freedom of no longer being a prisoner of this filthy habit! You get to breathe! And you don't have to sit in a box and let scorpians crawl all over your head!

Fear Factor LIVE! Pictures, Images and Photos
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5 Replies

Haha if you lived that show the first time I met my girlfriend her dad was eating balut. Yes I did try it, but I didn't get 50 grand all I got was a girlfriend out of it! I would rather have her than 50 grand any day
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Awwwwww! Guys like you are a rare breed. She is very lucky to have you!
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Ok, Edith. I'm only starting day 4, but after your post not smoking today will definitely be easier then letting scorpions crawl on my face. Good analogy!! Thanks and have a great day!!
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Thank you Laura!
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Just the thought of that could kill me!!!! I hate spiders ewwwwwwwwwwwww.
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