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Give and get support around quitting



I failed. So sorry. Had a argument with my husband so what did he do. Brought me home cigs. So now I have to try again. I feel like a total loser. So sorry my dear friends. You can kick me out of Ex if you want. I will understand. It's so hard because I have no friends in the town that I live and no family to help me. I should have come here but he had me so mad I smoked them I don't even know why I did it.

87 Replies

I will Marty. Thank you


You didn't fail  Failure and disappointment are 2 different things.  Baseball opening day is almost upon us. Every team has great optimism but on that first day 1/2 the  teams will lose.  Are they failures NO.  They learned they have to do more and come out and battle again. One disappointment doesn't ruin the season    A quitter seasons last a life time and we can all come out winners.  Learn and get back into the game each day smoke free makes you a winner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Oh Stringbean please don’t beat yourself up...that will make you feel worse...learn from it...and keep close to us the work again and start the journey again...You can do this...we are here for you...cyber hugs out to you ~ Colleen 457 DOF 


You are not a failure  . No, you are not ....

You made the choice to smoke under distress . 

Totally fixable by not making the same mistake twice .

Addiction is cunning . It will even use others to get to you . 

Be prepared for the unexpected , remember no is a valuable tool . Time out is also a good tool ... find your quiet space when needed .. a room , or a walk can help . 

Impromptu decisions and reactions can be avoided when one takes a moment to stop and think before they choose to smoke . 

Glad you are starting your new shiny fresh quit . It will come . Find the quiet space . Make it cheery with a good book , a nice mug for water , a journal maybe , some flowers and uplifting music . Make it your special place and you time when things get rocky . 


Wow! I think Mercury in retrograde is affecting a lot. It affects decision making. 

I also had to go back to Day 1 after tornado hit near me & I was stressed & couldn't overcome the urge. 

However, afterwards I felt so bad about it that I've barely had any thoughts of wanting to smoke & so far this Day 1 has been easier. Desperately hoping it will last but I'm back on top of it at this time. 

Good luck



I'm praying for you and all the others affected by the tornado. It was truly horrible. Good luck with the new quit.


I had to look up when retrograde started. Feb. 18th. I “relapsed” on Feb 19th, no other reason except I was traveling by myself and was bored. I had done so good for 50 days until that point. 


 cstoppa01 OK - are you back at it?  Today is the best time to quit again.  There is no reason not to - there are but excuses.

Make a plan NOW what you will do instead of smoke the next time you are bored.  Can you go for a walk?  Call a friend?  Blog "HELP" here or come and read?  Planning ahead is an important tool in your quit toolbox.

Let us know how we can help!



Thanks. I’m still vaping. I keep saying this pack is my last but then I go buy more. I’m going to quit. So I had a 3 1/2 hr drive by myself when I decided to stop and buy a new device. I couldn’t get on the blog or my quit vaping app, or walk or have anyone to call. I was impulsive. I have a problem being alone. But I’m 36 and can’t have a full time babysitter. 


Sorry to hear you are still struggling cstoppa01‌~

You say you are going to quit..

Forgive my bluntness, but what's it going to take for you to quit vaping? 

We are here for you and wish you well in your journey~