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Give and get support around quitting



I failed. So sorry. Had a argument with my husband so what did he do. Brought me home cigs. So now I have to try again. I feel like a total loser. So sorry my dear friends. You can kick me out of Ex if you want. I will understand. It's so hard because I have no friends in the town that I live and no family to help me. I should have come here but he had me so mad I smoked them I don't even know why I did it.

87 Replies

That's great!



Love it Stringbean‌ ~ " say I am DONE being a dum dum sucker of cigs."thumbs up.jpg Thumbs up congratulations!!


Stringbean wrote:

TODAY MARCH 5TH IS MY NEW QUIT DAY.... I bought a bag of dum dum suckers and if I feel the urge to smoke I am going to grab a sucker open it up put it in my mouth.

That's a good plan.

Please do not take this wrong. I am not mocking your screen-name.

I gnaw celery and string beans to keep my hands and mouth busy.


Celery was obvious. But while trying to find pre-trimmed celery sticks (I won't use a knife when I'm jittery), I saw the snack-bags of stringbeans and realized they would also work. I nibble bits. Chew slow. A couple hours later I realize I've gnawed half the cup and am not so antsy.


No offense intended either Stringbean‌ but PRR-ex‌ has a great idea! I am sick of celery and love string beans~ So, will buy some on my next trip to the grocery 🙂


Congrats on your new Quit Day. You can do this!


Congratulations on day 1.  I'm so sorry your hubby put temptation in your way, but glad you talked about it.

You like I have been through a lot in our lives.  I too am trying to heal myself.  I am very proud of you for coming here and sharing with us.  


I also vaped on March 3rd. I have been doing so well since February 12th. I also have no family and very few friends at 64 yrs old (today)! I quit drinking the beginning of July 2019. I found out I was Bipolar 1 and 2 that September. I quit vaping THC December 7th. So a lot of quit. I moved to Washington state 3 yrs ago April 10th because my husband's family lives here with the hopes of a loving family. It didn't work out that way and because of refusal to allow control and manipulation I have become the villain. I am strong enough to handle that label and my husband is very supportive but of course torn. It triggered me Tuesday night and I actually had to charge my vape. I vaped a little Tuesday night and Wednesday morning before luckily I had a Doctor appointment. My new Doctor was so kind to me and we agreed to start me on some antidepressants because my overall life seemed to be just going through the motions. After I left the Doctor I vaped again and was going to buy more but didn't and put the vape away! I am using nicotine pouches when a craving hits. My husband saw me vape but never said anything, he honestly was just worried about me. I don't feel like a failure, I  am just going to continue with this (actually) the hardest addiction of my 3. Did I mention that I have the love of God on my side! He doesn't make failures, we are beautiful in his sight! I will have you in my prayers! 



Welcome and congrats on your new quit.  Stay close and reach out before you vape!



happy birthday vase of flowers.jpg Wishing you a great Birthday!! 

It seems to me that you do have "the quit factor" in your soul having quit drinking and using THC. You do have a lot going on in your life right now but I believe you have come to the right place for caring and support. I am a "newbie" here, having joined while in the midst of a full-blown relapse. i was given lots of advice, encouragement and support and was able to quit again on January is my 59th day totally free from cigarettes. I still struggle t times and still have work to do on my "addict mentality" but these folks at the EX are most helpful. Come to the site daily, read and post. The EX has your back 🙂


It's ok to fail.

Put your big girl pants back on and try again.