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Exhausted since starting smoking again

I am new to this website, so I hope I am posting this in the right place. I thought this might help some people who recently quit -- If you saw my other post, I recently made a horrible decision and started smoking again after almost 9 years quit (May 23, 2009 was my original quit date -- Memorial Day weekend). Well, ever since I started again I have been absolutely exhausted. I sleep for 9, 10 or more hours a night and still wake up super tired. And I am doing very little exercise, far less than I used to as a non-smoker. I plan to quit again very soon, but I just thought this might help some of the new quitters. I remember when I quit last time being super tired the first few days or maybe the first week, but trust me, now I know smoking CAUSES us to be tired and does NOT give us more energy! Breathing fresh oxygen, exercising, eating healthy and getting enough sleep are what really gives us energy!

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3 Replies

What's the plan?  And what's keeping you from quitting right now?


Wow 9 years. That's crazy.  Something  bad must have happened for you to Throw away 9 years.  I hope u Quit soon. 

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Correct me if I'm wrong . You've been struggling to get back to a quit ? 

Please get back to quitting asap . Don't hesitate . It's important to take care of your health now , more than ever . You need support , we are here . I'm not sure why you are scared if you are ? Speaking for myself , please share how I can be of help . I gave away a previous 8 year quit , and back to 9 and a half years now. You have to make the first decision before I can be of support . I can however encourage you not to procrastinate further . Every day is a good day to quit . You are worth it . 

Edit ... my apologies I just noticed this is an old post of yours from 2018 . If you are still here fill us in on how it's going . 

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